For those tired of downsizing threads…

Yes, they are. That’s a very lovely 160 you have.

It is unfortunate if you are unable to get your SBLs to provide bass to your wishes. I had a problem with mine and they eventually went, but Naim hq were involved and when they worked, the comment was that mine were delivering bass, backed against the edge of a window splay in each case. Solid floors and walls and double boarded ceiling.
I have tested 606s in a different room at home and they are not staying, so you will no doubt be wise to arrange an extended home listen. The other alternate might be Ovators. There have been a few pairs around recently. I have just bought another pair. For the cost, might be worth a consideration. If you do try a pair, ensure they have recently be re-torqued, which I have previously posted on.

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For those who enjoy or admire multi box systems, I have over the last ten days, rebuilt three of my four stacks of Fraim and their boxes. Interesting uplift in sound - not major, noticeable and perhaps a little fresher is the best way I can describe; pleased with the effort. I did it in stages, to ease any trouble shooting, so two stacks down, back up and all re-powered, then most of the other two stacks with source and nac power boxes all removed and the streamer and nac sorted in situ, to avoid disturbing LP12. Anyway all shelves and boxes clean and tidy, as is the cable dressing, so all good.
Long time since it was last done, so having enjoyed the experience, it will receive earlier attention next time. Doing so I was in part prompted by this thread; thanks peps and op.


Thank you for your advice and suggestions, much appreciated.

I think the problem is simply a matter of scale. My sibbles (set up expertly by dealer) do deliver bass, I just want more of it. My hope is that something like the 606’s with their isobaric arrangement can deliver. If not, I won’t buy them. I actually hope that I will find the sibbles are still the best speaker for their size, but I need to know for sure.

Graeme you would be most welcome to hear Ovators here on a Naim system if you are curious (one hour away at the end of the big road that runs south).
The Kudos ones will be here for a couple of weeks as a thought. Ask RD to pass your details, otherwise good luck. Perhaps you will post on how you get on, will be interested to know?

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And…… Stop…

That’s it for quite a while… Puritan PSM156 added… 8 boxes and we’re done. Time to just let it all settle in and enjoy the music… :sunglasses:


Quite a difference from the start with SuperNait(?) I would say :+1::grin:

Never had a SuperNait. I think I first came on here with 202/200/Nd5 XS2?

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What about the Isoacoustic damper feet? did they bring any sound improvement? Sorry for my extra query :slight_smile:

:+1: Obviously confusing you with someone else, sorry!

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I think so… I’ve basically attacked every angle of input that I think is reasonable for my room. For me I’ve probably reached the limit of what’s even remotely reasonable! :joy:


I know very well! Sometimes I did some tweaks without any discernible SQ effect (or placebo effect?) however I’m satisfied to have done the best :smirk:

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That’s a most generous offer and I thank you. However, I am still wintering in the south of Spain until my Brexit allotment of days is up at the end of the month. How are you getting on with the 606’s?

Second 500DR arrived today. Stop gap for 6 weeks or so before going active in our larger reception room post new floor.

Kudos Speaker Cable terminated by Peter Swain arrived yesterday and is very good. Chord Music is lovely but mine is for sale now as 3 pairs at 5m is just soooo expensive .

I’m using a loaner pair of Naim Standard Naim Y cable to connect S1 to the 500’s. I remember reading on the forum a member’s view that the Standard cables are better suited to the 500 series components and I think he had a point! Lavender has some limitations but is a great listen and its limits not compounded with similar characteristics of the lower level kit.


What a great system :slightly_smiling_face: … love the 808s in gloss black especially!


Glad to hear the 3 box life is working for you… debating to go from 12 (Do Linear Power Supplies Count?) to 7


Lost two boxes in place of the Lumin but still have a few!


Your S1 pre is a limiting factor. But you are already aware of that :joy:


Lovely system Cohen.
A thought, based on @PeterR experience with the S1 pre:
As the S1’s transformer radiates its magnetic field primarily sideways, you may hear a benefit from allowing 15-20cm of clear air between the S1 and the adjacent Fraim uprights on both sides. It is equivalent to allowing more vertical spacing between traditional Naim boxes.

This is only worthwhile if your new set-up has sufficient room for you to space out the Fraim stacks.

Best regards, BF

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Thanks Bluesfan.

I actually found (after being advised by Jas Gould) that as long as the 500 head unit isn’t on the bottom tier next to the S1 there isn’t any issue. However in around a weeks time any thought of that will be eliminated when the system moves onto a 21 x 12 room with the system on three FRAIM stacks and the S1 at the opposite end to the 500 heads. I’m pleased to say that the system won’t be between the speakers anymore. Current set up is purely to aid with burn in, hence the ND555 being below the new 500 head. Still sounds great though and I hear a benefit from bi amping even with the new 500 and speaker cables.
