For those with 500, which speakers are you using?

I will watch with interest Dave, I thought Bob was concentrating on the smaller Iota range, much easier to lift :blush:

:shushing_face: :shushing_face: :wink:

Maybe you know more than I do Dave?

I don’t know nuffink, honest guv. :man_shrugging: :wink:

Vintage photo Nigel!
Mark (Varyat) tried to tempt me and upgrade to the new version. My dollars just went to Chris West instead. 552 and 500 packed up (double boxed as well) and sent in for recap and DR on both. What a pain packing - however perhaps a bit easier than what you must have gone through moving the red monsters out :laughing:


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Another summary, with 64 responses - and this time a couple of the brands some identified as missing have been added.

Naim is still most popular brand followed by B&W. The two most popular speakers are NBL and Titan 808, both with 5 users, though that is beaten by B&W 802 at 6 users if you ignore lump all the variants together.

As before a number in parentheses after the speaker is the number of users if more than one.
B&W 802 D
B&W 802 D2 (3)
B&W 802 D3 (2)
B&W 803 D3 (2)
B&W 804 D2
B&W 804 D3
Dynaudio S5.4
Focal 1007 Be
Focal 1028 Be
Focal Maestro Utopia
Focal Supra 2
Gauder Acoustik Berlina 7 Diamond Mk 2
Harbeth 40.2
Kudos Titan 606
Kudos Titan 808 (5)
Kudos Titan 88 (3)
Linn Isobaric
Magico S3 MkII
Mission 70
Naim DBL (2)
Naim DBL (Active)
Naim NBL (5)
Naim Ovator 600 (2)
Naim Ovator 800
Naim SBL
Naim SL2 (3)
Neat MF9
Neat Ultimatum MF7
Neat XL6
PMC Fact 12 (3)
PMC IB2 se
PMC Twentyfive.26
Proac K6
Proac K6 signature
Shahinian Diapason
Shahinian Obelisk (2)
Sonus Faber Amati Futura
Spendor Classic 200
Totem Mani 2
Verity Audio Sarrastros II
Vivid Audio Giya G3
Wilson DAW


Shouldn’t that be 2 Obelisk owners?

Yes - thanks for spotting. Corrected now (omitted the parentheses from 2, it appearing as a model number instead)

A local friend has 802D3 - he had 803 before that powered by 552/300 but after upgrading to 802 he felt a need for a 500 instead

Would anyone else be interested if we added room dimensions to the list? My B&W d2’s live in a room 15x30ft with a ceiling that slopes to a peak of 20ft. I think the electronics can “drive” more speaker, as can the room acoustically, but question to what degree a more expensive speaker would deliver value for money

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Another SL2 user here. Actively driven with full 500 series kit.


I think it would be interesting - indeed it would be interesting by speaker regardless of amp, but aside from not being in keeping with this thread it would probably open up too much to be manageable.

If people want to post that info I’ll have a go at adding to the summary - but only if they identify the speakers again alongside, and clarify if they are a new poster or if their speakers are already in the list.

NEAT XL6, brilliant - possibly only bettered by XL10 if you have a big enough room with high ceilings!

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Only a couple of additions (SL2 & Neat XL6). Also one change reported in another thread, @PeterR swapping Fact 12 for Titan 505. I’ll do another summary at the weekend, and also include room dimensions if more are offered (reminding which speaker if you’ve already recorded yours).

Hi IB. Got today to decide and listen, so I will see if I can live without the strengths of the Facts in direct comparison. I wouldn’t update your speaker list just yet. :thinking: ATB Peter

Hi Peter,

Have you considered Magico speakers?
Might be an option.

They are closed speakers, providing a sharply controlled low end.
The exact opposite of “boomy” speakers. At least for the S and M series.

The M2 are the best speakers I ever heard. Expensive but really great speakers!

The S3 MkII are also amazing speakers, but they would probably put to much pressure into your room.

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Harbeth 40.2 40th Anniversary in Olive wood.


Thomas, your speakers are among the best. But they deliver very strong energy and low bass. I really doubt they will perform well in Peter room, because the Fact 12 give already problems.

Well believe it or not … as my room is very small 3.7m x 2.6m I use PMC 20.21’s with a Velodyne DD10+ sub. This is an amazing setup for a small room. The 500 really loves these speakers - and gets them by the scruff of their necks… I am constantly astounded by the clarity/impact/precision/speed/openness … these little things rock and sing! I think they are a perfect match for my room size.

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It seems to me that this is exactly what I wrote :wink:

I was implying that the S1 MkII could be an option, or the M2.