Forum average age

Old is a relative qualification.

Old is what other people are. Like my old school friends …

We’re the demographic with money.

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Agree and for a number of industries, hifi, guitars, we are a dying demographic.

Albeit some more than others.

Not to worry, I’ll fill somebody’s spot in a few years.

I bought my first naim kit aged 30. Precisely the wrong time in a way, due the rapidly ensuing appearance of children and mortgage. There was also time and energy taken up building up a business/ career. In retrospect the best to have it would have been my early 20s before such responsibilities meant I would have had the time to listen to it more and more loudly.
How many young people would have the funds to buy an Atom, what with housing costs and relatively lower wages now vs 30 years ago?
Also they have an unlimited amount of music via streaming through private devices, which can actually sound quite good with a decent pair of headphones.

If the internet were available 30 years ago
I am sure I would have been an active contributor to a circa 1990 Naim forum. it would have been “niche” then but it is far more “niche”now,as so few young people can afford naim. They have an unlimited supply of good quality music through their headphones, no space for speakers and less disposable income with living costs being so high.

That may be true, but unfortunately most of my relatives think I am old too…

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My observation is somewhat the opposite: young people have more dispasable income than 30 years ago, but their priorities have changed: 30 years ago virtually all my money went on funding a mortgage, at a time when interest rates were way higher than nowadays. I had very little money left for anything else, having to manage money very carefully, buying everything secondhand (a habit that has stayed with me), and often saving for months or years to do so. And I very rarely spent money on eating out. In contrast people I see of the same age now expect to buy everything new, expect everything today with no concept of waiting, are always eating food out.

Most significant, which I don’t believe is due to didposable income, is attitudes, including attitude to music playing: where to me having a good hifi system has always been a high priority, indeed something of that was common to others of my generation, albeit for many satisfaction came from systems far from my idea of hifi, young people today often seem content with phone and earbuds.


My first piece of Naim arrived in the guise of a second hand NAC42 at the age of 27. SNAPS and 90 followed soon after.

Yes I agree. A very good friend of mine is having a new house built, including a secure garage in which to keep his Ferrari, so he’s not short of cash, and despite suggestions to the contrary he has specified Sonos throughout for his house. Tellingly the lighting/audiovisual designer enthusiastically agreed, no doubt because Sonos just works and will have no support needs after supply.



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as long as he has a good internet connection to feed the Sonos system he will have a good sound base to work from. My Sonos system works well with my old school Naim system.

Yes he probably will be happy with MP3, which is indeed my point really.

He can always add a better system for a dedicated music room. Sonos is fine for background/parties.

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