Fraim rear leg - new narrow option

And for some of us, neither is noun-verb agreement.


< Ducks for cover >


Thanks Teach!

O donā€™t we have fun lol.
I just need to have my glasses on more, obviously.

Well, Focal-Naim North America continues to be very sad and pathetic these days. They tell my dealer there is no such thing.

If anyone can come up with a part number that would help immensely. Otherwise, it looks like those of us in the North America are screwed if we want this.

Naim is not really impressing on this side of the pond.

Isnā€™t it Naim themselves that distribute into NA?

If @Osiris doesnā€™t mind, send them this picture.

I gave my dealer pictures. They (i.e. Focal-Naim) are clueless.

Naim in the UK and Focal-Naim North America are under the same parent company (VerVent Audio).

Of course, please share.


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I already gave my dealer your photos of the bare parts before you installed them. Didnā€™t help apparently.

I wonder if there is a dealer in UK I could order them from, for shipment to U.S.

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My dealer says that is not true. In fact, dealing with Focal-Naim NA lately has been more painful because they have new processes for everything and itā€™s been time consuming to get things done (like two+ weeks to get an RA for my HiLine cable repair).

My dealer said they told him there is no such part. I hope that changes. Itā€™s not going to kill me if I canā€™t get the new rear leg, but it will make me think twice about buying anything new from Naim (I was considering a 2nd Superlineā€¦that decision is on definite hold).

Iā€™ve got plenty of time on my hands. Maybe I should start buying bits and bobs from my local dealer, packing them up and sending them off to Naim owners in need in the US! It seems ridiculous that you canā€™t just get the legs from your dealer. So much for international trade.


How much are we talking about for a standard height narrow rear leg? I seem to recall a set of three standard legs being about Ā£120, though memory may be playing tricks.

The narrow rear leg cost Ā£25 here in the UK, black or silver, standard height only, although the price was initially indicated to be around Ā£65ā€¦ā€¦ :thinking:


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I thought soā€¦ā€¦ :grinning:. Only bought the two I actually needed, not sufficiently OCD to want to replace all six levels. Be interested to hear what price you are quoted.


I donā€™t need them but was just interested, unless @JosquinDesPrez wants me to sent some across the ocean.

It might just come to that. :roll_eyes:

ā€˜Mille regretsā€™