Furutech Discussion

I doubt if any of the 3 bidders seriously believed they were bidding on an authentic item.

I would probably go further and suggest they knew exactly what they were buying as the counterfeit in question went for the same price as an Ali Express version.

the real issue is what % of SQ compared to the original are you getting from the counterfeit which costs 10 times less?

Is it? Even if identical performance for $10, I’d be hesitent to willingly line the pockets of criminals. To me, that’s the real issue.


I’d be hesitent to willingly line the pockets of criminals. To me, that’s the real issue.

The utter irony of decrying fraudulent behaviour in what is already very likely an almost entirely fraudulent area of audio manufacturing

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Most stuff in life is fake it’s just better marketed. :wink: :+1:t2:


Noticed a couple of other Furutech powerflux cables on a well known auction site.

One is boxed for 700, another for 500 with an invoice indicating purchase price which is 1840 presently brand new.

No biters for a while.

Either Furutech don’t hold their value in the used market in general or the counterfeits sound very similar to the real thing which holds prices down.

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Update, and I’ll try to make this short. I replaced the TCS31/FI-28(R) with DPS4.1/FI-25(R) and listened for about 3 hours. I realise the connectors may be more important than the cable. After I got an idea how the cable sounds like, I found a detailed review on the FI-25 and FI-28 which confirmed on my impressions.

I just realised the FI-28 is actually the superior version of the old FI-25. The bass lost weight and sounds leaner with the FI-25/DPS4.1. Apart from the reduced bass weight, soundstage got narrower as well. The FI-28/TCS31 has more body and sounds richer with a larger soundstage. In brief words, the FI-25/DPS4.1 sounds pale in comparison although it sounds clean and tidy.

I guess I will have to change the FI-25 connectors to FI-28(R) or FI-50(R) NCF at some point of time. The FI-50(R) is too much money for me and I’m not sure if it’s a noticeable or huge improvement over FI-28(R) but will decide in due time. Some say the difference is worth it while some thought it’s minimal. I will listen to the FI-25/DPS4.1 for another week before I switch to the FI-28(R)/TCS31 to reconfirm on my thoughts.


How do you find the Furutech NCF Boosters? Is it the brace that you have?

In summary,

FI-25(R)/DPS4.1 - lean and dry sound in the midrange and bass, average soundstage. Reduced bass output. Sounds clean but pale and dull.

FI-28(R)/TCS31 - fuller and warmer midrange and bass with bloom, wider soundstage, richer sound. Sounds more lively and exciting.

I suspect the connectors contribute more to the sound than the cable.


Ali Express version is £308.00 whereas the bidder paid £420.00.

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The Furutech NCF booster I have is not the brace. It currently holds the mains power cable connector that goes into the amp. It cleans up the sound a little by reducing some noise and the sound is slightly more dynamic. I was told that excessive use of these devices will remove too much life from the system so I only use one in the system.

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That one with the invoice has been for sale for about six months on and off.

The real issue is that the seller listed the item as Furutech in the brand description not Ali Express.

What do Ali Express market it as?


Assuming it’s genuine which I guess it is it potentially confirms that the counterfeits aren’t far off the real thing.

What does that have to do with anything? It’s clearly not a genuine Furutech item.

Ryder, sounds like your confirming some of the things I’ve said above. When you get to a certain quality of copper, then ends themselves will likely have a larger impact on sound. The DPS-4.1 deserves the 50 NCF (R) ends, if you don’t go with them you are really wasting your money/not getting the performance of the DPS cable. I mentioned above if you have a limited budget, it would likely be better to go for S55N or keep your current TCS31 cable & add the FI-50 NCF R ends, which would likely give you better performance vs DPS with lesser ends.

The DPS when combined with the FI-50 NCF (R) should have a very big soundstage, I’m not a guy who really listens for soundstage but one of the first things I noticed was both width & depth, as well as adding space between instruments & more pinpoint imaging. Bulk for bulk, I haven’t heard the TCS31 but from readings its a very warm cable, so not surprised that when adding inferior ends to the DPS “reduced bass, clean but pale & dull”.

If you can, swap the ends on each of your cables, which should help without any extra cost. Then when funds allow, swap out the ends (can do one at a time), for the 50 NCF R.


Yeah ok - no one’s actually been fooled by it despite your attempts to ‘expose’ something.

Guys, can we please cut out the knock off chat, it adds no value to this thread.

I think that plenty of people have been fooled by it and I believe my comments in this thread will hopefully stop other people being fooled and wasting their money on counterfeit fake items.

Personally I thought warning people of counterfeit items and advising them to buy from respected and trusted dealers does help audiophiles and also Furutech.