Furutech Discussion

Paying 100 more for something which routinely sells on Ali express doesn’t suggest anyone’s been seriously cheated here

But you carry on with your crusade

I agree it helps Furutech and their dealers

The consumer - different question.

Ok mate

The item was counterfeit and was listed as Furutech which is illegal, therefore the buyer and Furutech the company were both cheated.


No issues with that, I just mean the chat about buying knock offs. Being this is for Furutech Discussion not, knock off discussion.


Thanks. Looks like I have to save up!

Sounds like from what you and @Ryder have discovered is if(when) I get a power cable that goes from the wall socket to a Furutech distributor (Christmas present to myself I hope), it’s more important to have the best “ends” possible. Is this correct?

Can’t help some people. :roll_eyes:


The DPS is extremely transparent, which can be a double edged sword. Combined with the NCF 50, it can be an exceptionally good cord but combined with lesser ends, it just reveals the short comings off those ends.

It there are any weak links in your kit, the DPS/FI-50 NCF R will make them obvious.

The FI-50 NCF ends really are in a league of their own & while expensive, well worth the cost (& are sonically significantly different vs all the lower R models). Again, nothing wrong with just adding one at a time, when budget allows.

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Yes, a good quality copper with top notch ends will generally sound better than the best copper with lower quality ends. If it’s in the budget a combo of the S55N with 50 NCF R ends feeding all the kit should make a great combo, that costs significant less then the same combo with the DPS wire. And for some this combo may actually be preferred as with the DPS being so revealing, it may expose things that are lacking.

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I’ll add some of my experience with the DPS/FI-50 NCF R feeding from the wall to my powerbar. As said this cord is very revealing, & if your kit & room is up to it, it can sound outstanding but if areas are lacking, it will let you know. Which is why I wouldn’t just recommend this for everyone.

With it feeding all my kit, the digital side has been outstanding & actually now my vinyl front is actually lacking a bit of warmth vs my digital. What I believe to be the source of this is the DPS is now exposing the cables feeding both sides. On the digital I’m using a Siltech AES cable (silver & gold wire), while on the TT I’m using OCC silver. While the OCC silver is very transparent, & never harsh like standard silver can be, it does seem to lack a bit of body/warm. So adding the DPS cable now means I will probably be looking to swap my TT cable to something with a silver/gold combo to bring a bit more warmth to the sound. With the previous cord feeding my powerbar, the TT sounded perfectly balanced as far as warmth goes but I don’t want to swap out the DPS because of the transparency it brings. The insight that this cable combined with the NCF outlets brings is rather shocking. I have a number of high quality pressings from Acoustic Sounds, I previously thought these records were dead silent. While they are still very good, these upgrades have dropped the noise floor level to a point where I can now hear their not completely silent.

This isn’t specifically related but I found it interesting, all these upgrades I have done with Furutech & power, I’ve heard the differences & not had to put the old one back in to verify the difference or find any differences. I recently picked up a used set of AR Sounds Lunar Equilateral cables to go between my SCDR & 300DR, their Lunar series seems to be well regarded & the Equilateral even more so (which are ~double the cost). These aren’t all that cheap at just under $1000GBP & after putting them in, I can safely say all these power upgrades have had more impact on sound then these did, which I find rather interesting. I can’t really say what they’ve improved & will need to swap back to the stock leads at some point to verify.


Thanks! All I can say is my recent upgrade is sounding better and better. It’s so hard to explain what’s happened to my system since I’ve upgraded my wall-socket. I think I’m now finding out what my system is capable of.

Oh the bass is now back and better than ever!

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Thanks. I am not surprised by this after going through the same experience swapping mains power cables and just recently interconnects. Matching is very important to retain the balance and I agree to have the best cable with the best clarity and transparency at the upstream so that nothing is lost downstream. If the cable at the upstream is warm, the reduced nuance and detail won’t be reproduced at the downstream. Good idea to swap the OCC silver cable on the TT with something else which has more warmth and body, usually copper to get the balance back.

In my case, I usually try to have silver content in my cables as I want better clarity and transparency especially at the top end with my existing amps and speakers which lean slightly to warmth.

Same experience. About 5 or 6 years ago, I bought the Chord Signature Tuned Aray interconnects full loom for my 282/HCDR/250DR. No doubt there is a difference in sound quality but in no way it matches the impact that the Furutech power upgrades had brought to my system. Apart from the mains power cables, I found the interconnect that goes between the DAC/source and preamp to be quite important as well. The difference is quite noticeable. In my case, it’s not the RCA-DIN interconnect that goes between a Naim pre such as 282 or 252 but a conventional XLR that goes between my Luxman L-590AXII and DAC.


Glade to hear I’m not the only crazy one on here :smiley: Your thoughts mirror my initial thoughts, the same vendor also offers a OCC copper TT cable (its actually a lower down model), so this would probably solve my issue for added warmth, but I’m not sure I want to give up the transparency/resolution of what OCC silver brings. This is why I think a silver/gold wire combo is probably what I’m after, all the transparency of OCC silver with some added body/warmth from the gold.

My follow up thoughts are I’m also thinking about swapping my phono stage should I find a second hand deal, currently I’m using a Simaudio 310LP Neo but I’m looking at a Sutherland Little Loco. Simaudio is generally very neutral sounding & Sutherland typically more laid back/more warmth (not sure if the Little Loco follows the same previous house sound), so a swap of the phono stage may bring things back to where I want them. Also, I’m still using one of the old Neotech 3001/ FI-15+/FI-11M gold combos to feed my phono pre, so not sure where I’ll end up when swapping in a S55N cord.

You never know without some trial & error but my gut says the FI-50 NCF (R)/DPS combo could be an excellent match with your kit Ryder :+1:

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Anyone use or is familiar with the GTO-D3 NCF(R) Power distributor? I’m interested in the differences between e-TP609 and the GTO-D3 NCF(R) besides price.

I asked the Furutech dealer before and the e-TP609 is said to be better as it has the GTX-D NCF (R) receptables. The only appeal of the GTO-D3 NCF (R) is the price. Similarly I am interested in the differences between the two power distributors but there is a lack of review on these units when I looked everywhere earlier last year and found nothing.

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I was curious about this as well, I assumed the GTO used the same outlets but according to the Furutech website the outlets are phosphor bronze base metal. Not sure if that’s just a typo (but the NCF logo does appear different), but if they are phosphor bronze that would be a no go for me.

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Assuming those that are investing big sums in mains cables already have dedicated SPURS, have investigated correct chassis grounding and have utilised parallel (not series) differential mains filters ?

Not being facetious, but the level of improvement from these is far greater than one small cable unless it has the ability to remove differential and common mode noise in both directions perfectly (No chance)

Having tried both common mode and differential mode filtering I found differential mode far more influential. I also have yet to hear a series mains filler that doesn’t slug dynamics with the increase impedance on the line

Reading comments on cables and termination plugs is fascinating, especially when it comes to which has the most impact. I used to have DSP-4.1 cables terminated with FI-50 NCF connectors and adored their quality. However, I’ve set them aside in pursuit of greater clarity and precision. I’ve developed a preference for silver cables; the differences among pure silver, silver-plated copper, OCC, and monocrystal silver are significant. The monocrystal varieties from brands like Crystal, Siltech, and Abel are particularly exceptional and currently constitute the entirety of my setup.

Interestingly, Ryder and I hail from the same region. I ought to visit him, or perhaps he could visit me for an A/B comparison of Furutech & Acrolink cables (both companies use 7N or 8N cables from Mitsubishi, yet their constructions differ) against monocrystal silver cables.


No doubt the Siltech monocrystal cables are impressive but they are obviously in a completely different league even vs the FI-50 NCF/DPS combo, I believe you have to step into a Crown series for their monocrystal & their entry crown powercord is still ~4x the cost of the 50-NCF/DPS combo. The nice thing about the FI-50 NCF R connectors, if I do move on from Furutech bulk cable, I’ll probably swap to Siltech. Now I likely won’t be buying their top of the line triple crown, that already includes these plugs but I can swap these for the stock ones on one of their lower range cables, which will bring the performance level up a few notches.

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