Furutech Discussion

This was my original question “ I noticed the Empire cable has gold plated plugs and the rest of the system is rhodium plated, is this OK, or shall I change the power plugs to match the rest the system?”

Furutech TP609……, sounds much better than Niagara 1200……


I’m surprised @frenchrooster hasn’t chimed in.
M. frenchrooster, comment trouvez-vous le Furutech e-TP609 NCF? :slight_smile:

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Read some said this sounds bright .:thinking: any advice ? Am gonna use this on my power line.is rhodium making it bright ? Compare to gold ?

I am sending in for the change tomorrow at furutech

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I have one of those going into an NCF rhodium wall socket, then my power block is UK MK sockets with Naim Powerlines, I’m not suffering from brightness but did get a fair bit of improvements over the Legrand socket and plug I used previously, though I’ll not try to describe it.

If my trial of a second 555ps is a success I plan to make a new Schuko based block using Furutech NCF sockets and replace the UK Powerline plugs with Furutech FI-E38s, all in rhodium, as I’ll need more sockets. MK aren’t what they were and I’m in France now anyway so the second ps will come with an EU spec Powerline with a FI-E38(R) on the end.


I have 4 Naim US PowerLines. All are fitted with brass pins. No Rhodium,

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This ?

Yes it’s interesting how naim chose different plating for different regions on Powerline.


Even so, I may swap them out for the gold version to match the gold sockets. If OCD gets the better of me.



One more to go … :smile:


Now that’s interesting. How do you you find the dearer plug change the sound?

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Have not try on yet … :sweat_smile: will do so when I got back to my cave


Looks great. If I had a spare Powerline I’d try this as well.

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Yup … the dealer told me - you will be awed by what this 50s can do , on top of the very good naim power line :laughing:

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Initial listening first 30 mins — better control , more depth , more body , wider presentation , very quiet ,vocals are more defined, more refine , better decay . Better separation

And some said it’s bright in the forum , it’s not bright at all … it’s very balance

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It will only sound good after 100 hours, closer to 200 hours will be good. Poor sound from 10 hours onward.

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Yes… initial listening now I can hear the difference already . Will take 200 hours at least and more … for the process

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@daren_p very good investment , thanks !! Works with the powerline , as what the dealer had told me :smile:

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