Furutech Discussion


Hello Naimophile. Are those Tyr 2 powercords in the Qbase? Very nice!

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@DanielH hi Daniel , yes they are . :blush: u
You interested in tyr 2?, very good investment.
Btw, how’s your demo with the qbase ? Get something that suits your music preference .

Will give Furutech FI-32 Rhodium a go on my Ultimate since Gold didn’t pass my test.


Hi again. I have not demoed the Qbase yet. I would like to eventually buy the Qbase with a Tyr 2, from the Qbase to the wall. I will report back when I make the move.

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Glade to hear you’re enjoying so far. Don’t be surprised if you have strange swings in tonal balance as the connectors run in. Lots of info already posted above in this thread but if they haven’t been pre-burnt in don’t be surprised if things change for 300-400hrs. Didn’t realize you previously ran the rhodium schuko on your PL’s, no doubt the FI-50NCF R’s would be an easy recommendation for an upgrade if you already like when the previous connectors were doing.


Blackbird, can’t remember if we already went over this but with your level of kit & if this connector is for one of the more important connections, why not just go FI-52NCF R?

The Puritan original 20EUR C19 had better synergy in my system than the FI-32 Gold. But if 32 Rhodium is a step up compared to the original I might look further up the ladder. But for now not convinced enough to make that jump.

The Furutech I still use:

  • UK wall sockets FP-1363-D NCF R, G
  • DPS4.1 power cable
  • UK plugs: FI-1363 NCF R
  • IEC: FI-50 NCF R, FI-28 R

These I didn’t prefer as much and have put them in storage:

  • Power cables: FP-S55N, FP Alpha 3
  • AC plugs: FI-25 G, FI-28M G

I was searching for a better Naim Powerline. Furutech isn’t it for me. They have many strengths although they take away the drive and directness of the Powerline.

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For the last leg to the naim boxes I have not found anything better than Powerline yet. Synergy is great with PL.


I really want to try the Furutech e-TP609 NCF and a yet to be determined Power Cable from the e-TP609 to the wall socket, but I have no strong desire to replace my PowerLines. Took too long to get the “full loom” :slight_smile:

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TP609 NCF + MCRU Ultimate Mains Lead (based on Puritan Ultimate cable w/ Furutech ends) is my dream setup.

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Okay, hear me out…

I’ve always used Oyaide high copper :policeman: content brass IEC connectors on most of my leads as they are very nicely built and years ago I imported a box of 15 C-029 for £30 each. I’ve had many other knockoffs and some just couldn’t hold 6mm theatrical cable others broke and some I just didn’t like the lead made up with one of the cheaper ones. Had a few Furutech but never A-B’s these

I treated myself to another 3 at £70 each to complete the set and replace the okay but not as nice Hifi King ones as two are arguably more critical places the Panasonic player and the AV2 as well as one sub that looks the poor cousin without an IEC to match

It’s been months since I got around to it, I bought them early 2023. A lot of it was just ticking the box of matching leads. I was also nervous that a well run cheaper connection might sound better…

So yesterday I popped on the Oyaide on one of the 12” subs. So on one of the five subs, back on I thought it was actually a bit weightier but thought it was just my imagination, it probably was

Anyway I have new Oyaide C-029 now on the Blu-ray player and the AV2 and WOW :hushed:

It’s a really noticeable step forward WTF an IEC plug ?!? The bass is :ok_hand: it’s more defined much more weight and groove, way more. Voices are clearer and richer, resolution is up noticeably there is a super quit 1,2,3 I only recently noticed. It’s now clear as a bell

But it’s the bass weight and groove that is remarkably improved

Makes my head hurt when I try and think :thinking: about what might be going on, it’s been a few days since and the upgrade has stayed, particularly the bass. It’s nothing to do with disconnecting and reconnecting as the player, sub and AV2 are unplugged and replugged very regularly as I do this when I take the player down for upgrades very regularly.

I’m now thinking that plugs for mains are way more important than I ever considered, how, why !!??? The only reason I ever bought decent ones in the first place was to avoid problems getting a good connection with thick low impedance mains cabling.


Amazing the impact “just a connector” can have, isn’t it? You might notice there have been one or two conversions about connectors above, in this thread :wink:


I probably should have read this thread before my recent purchase, but in some ways I am pleased I did not or I would still be agonising over what to buy! MCRU had a bundle deal on their website for their 15th anniversary consisting of a Furutech FI-UK 1363 NCF, Furutech FI-50 NCF (R) and a Synergistic Research Purple fuse.

Not cheap, but I had a code to get another 10% off and so went for it along with some Furutech FP-S35N. I’m conscious this may not do the plug and connectors justice, but payday only comes round once per month…and I figured I can always update it at some point in the future.

It all arrived today and after a very frustrating time assembling it all together (the FI-50 is an impressive, high quality item but a very fiddly design compared to the rest of their range) I have now plugged it into my 250DR. I am going to leave the system running on a low volume for several days to give it all time to settle down and I will report back!

You cannot beat a cheeky upgrade, especially when your wife/partner does not notice :smiley:

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Best kind of updates!! :slight_smile:

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I have not worked out how to install the XPS DR I won on an eBay auction at the weekend without her noticing yet though…such a coward :rofl: It was £100, honest guv!


As a novice in IEC’s and connectors. I’d be very interested in any feedback from those with a lot of trial and error expereience or feedback on the value proposition and where to focus so a few questions for you Furu knowledgeable guys

  1. Is there a rule for what is the most important item (eg Digital, more influenced, pre etc) ?
  2. Is the cable, mains plug or IEC the most important in the mix
  3. Are fuses more or less influential than the lead (I am guessing more icing on the cake and I simply can’t comprehend spending any more money here I have tried ceramic Littlefuse vs non ceramic and couldn’t really conclude much difference
  4. Wall sockets any advice here or experience

Sorry for so any questions. I am going to experiment I suspect as I will definitely not be prepared or able to buy more expensive units than my now 20+ strong number of Oyaide C-029

To help narrow it down, you could choose your favourite flavour.
The metal work usually comes in Gold, silver and Rhodium plated over bronze or copper.
These have a subtle and not so subtle influence that some may have a preference over.
If you have a lot of cables going in a certain direction, you should stick with a same for same.

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If I am being honest, I just like nice and shiny things I cannot afford and probably should not have made the purchase :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Joking aside, my view is as follows:

  • There is definitely a benefit from higher quality cables.
  • Fuses also work - I have an SR Purple fuse on my NDX2 lead and it has led to a notable improvement.
  • I am yet to be convinced whether more expensive plugs and connectors make a difference.

I’m hoping my new purchase will change my mind. The build quality is very impressive; but I’m conscious I need to run them in before taking a view. I am sure others will share their more seasoned and objective experience. I think I have an unconscious bias (or maybe conscious) to liking the shiny look of new hifi equipment…