Furutech Discussion

I like the big fat purple cable. Piece of art…

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Nothing to fear, just to confirm my post wasn’t implying that because of the Wattgates, the sound wasn’t great, it was more so, every time I eliminate a connector or outlet with these cheap metals, there is a noticeable upgrade in sound. These are the only “cheap” connectors I have left, so interested to see what a “better” connector will do. With the PL’s plugged into the GTX-D NCF’s, the sound has currently had a noticeable uplift to what I previously had. So while matching connecting metals/plating is ideal, as you have found out the performance of the GTX-D NCF is still so far superior, that the outcome typically is still a net gain in sound quality.

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Sounds like one too! :grin:


I can’t wait to hear your assessment on this distributor once it’s “run in”. I have a feeling your analysis is all I need to start seriously thinking this will be my holiday present to myself or the e-tp609 ncf.

Sounds good; but it is an absolute bugger of a cable to work with though! It is very hard to terminate and also flex to the height your boxes are located at.


it looks so good that one can argue that it is cheaper than a Prada handbag. Hmm… could be a relevant line of argumentation for my next cable upgrade…

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I suppose these cables are essential and fully justifiable too. :roll_eyes:



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No idea the brand but would guess the girth is due to dampening material to help isolate the cables, so while they may look a bit funny, there may just be a positive benefit from it.

Do they call those cables the “Arnold Palmer” model? :wink:


Which Furutech cable do you have from the outlet to your new distributor? I’m thinking about the SN55 with FI-50’s. Good choice?

Yes the S55N/FI50 NCF R is an easily recommendable combo for most systems, it offers very good performance vs $. The combo will be just on the smooth side of neutral without adding any noticeable colouration, the FI-50 ends help with the resolution/transparency, all the while being a very musical soundning cable.

The purplish cable would be the DPS-4.1, it is far more transparent/resolving & also significantly more expensive. This cable can sound outstanding but not one I’d blindly recommend for everyone. Because it is far more resolving it can highlight any areas that are lacking.


Sounds good, thanks! Keep us informed on your progress. Happy days for you I’m sure.

Your wallet probably doesn’t want to hear my assessment :rofl:

Because of the swings in performance you get when running in these outlets, I’m not listening on a regualr basis, as it runs in, that way my brain won’t be adapting/adjusting my reference point, to certain aspects of the sound. Plan was to listen once a week, until its properly run in.

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Don’t get me wrong, I’ve spent a small fortune on Furutech products so it’s not a criticism, but I do think the price they charge for the ‘ncf braces’ really does not pass the red face test. Even the extremely red/purple face test!!! Good work if you can get it…

This thread has already cost me $ but $ so well spent. I can only do things one piece at a time. Next up is a distributor.

In my humble opinion the latest firmware update from Naim has me really eager to make even more progress on my system goals this year. (I think it sounds great). I was thinking about a TUrntable but I can’t justify it with so few records in my meager collection.

Yes, I’d have to agree, the price on those does seem, well up there. They are a neat concept though, for keeping those heavy sagging power cords in place. For me would be one of those things where you’re happy with all your current kit & maximized all areas but are just looking to spend some $ on audio, then I could see myself giving them a try :upside_down_face: Who knows, having never tried them, I initially thought the GTX-D NCF outlets were a ridiculous price but after experiencing them, I feel they are actually very good performance vs $ (& at the point when I changed them one of the best performance vs cost upgrades I have done).


If you don’t already have a TT & a record collection, I’d probably advise to stick to digital. I grew up with tapes & CD’s, so no record collection to start. Always had the itch to try a TT, especially with all the talk of how “magic” records are. What I found is that yes, you can get that magic from records but if you have a good digital front end, its not going to come cheap. In general & with the improvements in digital, a TT front end typically will run you more vs an equivalent digital front. I started more entry level, because most said start small & experience that vinyl magic, all I got was a pleasant sound that was basically inferior to my digital in almost all aspects, which lead to multiple upgrades. I’m now finally getting that “vinyl magic” but at a cost. And that’s not to mention the cost of new records & the poor quality you often receive.


Logically you are correct. However “technically” I have a TT. Somewhere buried in a storage unit I have a Dual 505 lol. I don’t think it works tbh.

Yeah I’d like to experience the TT magic but it’ll cost me a pretty penny to equal my digital source. For now I still have a bit more that can be done with digital.

Hi :slightly_smiling_face:
Just bought an almost new…

:diamonds:Furutech NanoFlux 18E
It is Furutech’s second best power cable,.it will be exciting to see what it can contribute to the music-system.