Future reality?

FF, I think you missed Beachcomers point about giving a ‘living wage’ to people so that they don’t need to work, ie. theoretically, those people are not ‘unemployed’.

Bringing in one of IB’s postulations…the global economic system needs to redefine what it means to be ‘not working’ other than simply being ‘unemployed’ if one is receiving a state authorised ‘living wage’.

Therefore the money is not a ‘benefit’ (unemployment benefit) but a ‘wage’ (living wage).

It’s all semantics, but really powerful semantics.


Well worth seeing, FR, has some regard to this topic.

As does Ex Machina.

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I understood the comment of Beachcomber. But if rich people buy domestic robots to serve as leaf collectors, windows cleaners, wall painters….the society may generalise these robots for the global society.
In the first case it has no incidence on the availability of non specialised jobs . But in the second case , yes. So indirectly it will very probably have an impact and create more unemployment.

If everyone gets their basic (possibly more than basic) needs met through the use of robots and AI - IOW no-one HAS to work, though there will be jobs or activities (particularly, I imagine, in the arts and sciences). So unemployment would not be a concept, at least not in the way that it is now. As I say, the problem is the transition. That will result in unemployment - the question is: how do we deal with that? If we are sensible (fat chance, given the nature of politicians and top business-people) then we will bring in a standard minimum wage sooner rather than later.

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The Reith Lectures this year by Prof. Stuart Russell discussing AI are worth a listen. Or read this brief summary.

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… is really not looking good for UK’s LGBTI+ community.

Published yesterday: ILGA-Europe’s annual Rainbow Europe Map and Index, ranking the legal and policy situation of LGBTI people in 49 European countries, shows the UK falling further behind - from 1st in 2015 to 14th this year!

https://ilga-europe.org/resources/news/ … ap-reveals

Historical record, shown as a graph:

Real, substantial protection for the UK’s LGBTI+ community is actually decreasing in real terms, not just relative to other countries (where in the vast majority protection is increasing).

Only 5% of the United Nations member states have written into their constitutions that sexual orientation-based discrimination is prohibited. These states include Ecuador, Mexico, Bolivia, Portugal, Sweden.
It’s “funny” because these countries are ranked among the safest countries in the world for LGBTI people, and in the meantime Mexico is probably one of the least safe country for people in general.

That would be difficult for the UK…
We don’t have a written constitution!
Oddly though, for ourselves, we understand how this works via a typical British compromise!

And France now gives significantly better protection to LGBTI+ people than does the UK.

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I live in a town very conservative. Lots of catholic families but they also were against homosexual marriage. It’s a bit contradictory to be a catholic with such little tolerance or mind openness.
My town is Versailles.

Versailles - a town most important to history.
I live in Bradford, a small town just west of Bath - in Roman times there were 2 villas built here, but the town itself was founded in Saxon times; our church was built in 709.

I also find it difficult to understand how people believing in a religion that preaches tolerance use that very religion to justify intolerance, that just confuses me.

I actually do voluntary work for a mental health charity that also specifically supports the UK trans and intersex community, so I know how the deteriorating social conditions here affect the LGBTI+ community.


Disappointing. I thought it was improving - at least at one point.
I agree with you about religion. I have never understood how the most ‘Christian’ of countries (such as USA) appear to be so intolerant of difference. I thought their leader told them to be loving and to forgive people.
If people must have a religion, perhaps Buddhism is the best (or at least the least worst).


Just saw this in The Guardian after following a rugby link.

Are AI algorithms now sentient?

On the one hand I think no, on the other our brains are just complex neural networks computing things incredibly fast/in parallel so what truly makes us sentient compared to AI???

It was improving up until 2019 (the change at that time shows a positive covariance with rising xenophobia - suggesting that there may be a common underlying driver). In reference to the relationship to religion or philosophy, try this:

Finding light

May you find your light.

I cannot give you my light,
it is my light, and mine alone;
I can but give you of my light.
And that which I can give
may speak to you
to help you find your own,
to fight against oppressing darkness;
the darkness that binds us all;
the darkness that
                 destroys our dreams.

It’s not without cause
that we dream in darkness.
That time in the darkest hours
That time after sleep is forced upon us
when the darkness preys on our souls;
when the light fights back in dream
the endless struggle.
Even in the daylight
even there is darkness,
surrounds the cognisant dream.
Who in their daylight dreaming
lets the darkness form and rule?
Even in the darkness damaged soul
still exists that grain of light that
                                     will not die.

Yes, still within you that light exists
even when you feel it lost;
yet still it lives.
Touch again your gnostic self,
and what others give you of their light;
let it lead: bright, clear, revealing.
Touch it through enclosing darkness.
Touch it in the daylight dreaming.
Touch it from within your soul.
And feel again once more, that
                              gnostic light.

May you find your light.

For Harry, Jez, Kerri and Nigel,
who gave of their light even through the gathering gloom.

© Eleanor X. Ellis; 2022.


^^^ I’ve NO idea why it decided to highlight some words - that’s NOT in the original and NOT intended to be.



Did you write that Xanthe?

Yes, one of mine.

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