
It’s changing all pink. Amazing little plant.


A bit of life on the allotment- garlic and broad beans on the right, globe artichokes and raspberries on left


Lettuce know the results later this season!

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Almost there.


Love the changes you’ve made to your home, especially the garden.

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Started some additional planting, tomatoes that will go in a hanging basket at the front of the house and can be watered from inside the house and some mint for the pollinators .

I stand on the front porch and water them from inside the house . Laziness personified

Mint, lavender , hyssop . thyme if you want pollinators plant herbs

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Thinking of doing my hanging baskets this weekend. I’m in the midlands, Daventry to be exact is this a bit early? Just worried about a late frost.


I’m near Evesham and plan to do mine this week. 10 day forecast looks fine so only another couple of weeks then till the normal last frost day. Will keep them in the greenhouse to start anyway


My hanging baskets will be tomatoes , sowed the seeds for them yesterday


The blossom looks good for a bumper crop of pears come autumn :yum: :pear:


This section is the next part of the garden which is being redone. I’ve spend about a day cleaning it out, pulling grassroots et cetera and have put a layer of fresh soil on it. It’s a wet part of the garden and I’m looking for suggestions what to plant here. I’d like to have this part low maintenance.


Created a wildlife pond, from a unloved pond,
Got oxygenated plants and few marginals,
Pond water is now clear and the Lilly is starting to grow,
5 weeks in, already seen newts,
Evey garden should have a wildlife pond,


Will update with more photos tomorrow

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Lovely spot for a wildlife pond,
Very low maintenance when established,

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Coming along nicely,
Will take more pics in a few weeks time,


As kids growing up in the late 60s we were fascinated with newts. A few times a friend and i visited a ‘pet shop’ up the High Street, and spent our diminutive pocket money on a small group of great crested newts (amazingly pet shops were allowed to sell them in those days!) after spending a few hours amusing ourselves with them, we always let them go in a local lake.
It seemed to us they looked delighted as they swam away to enjoy their freedom.


I posted this elsewhere earlier, but thought worth duplicating as they broke into bed behind them earlier today. So I thought they could forage about whilst I consider what to plant.

I was slow to get broad beans going this year, they will go in the top bed. I was thinking about French beans in the larger bed, with perhaps some chard or spinach. Any other suggestions?


I don’t know about veg,
When I had chickens I’ll let them forage all day, and put them away at night,
I got fed up with the rats, so the chickens went over several weeks,
Yum yum

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Fresh chicken manure can be pretty nasty stuff. I would be careful about planting anything edible in there unless you can leave it to break down or remove it.

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Good point … they don’t stay that long in the beds because there is more interesting stuff outside.

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