Glastonbury 2024

Well it’s that time of year again, our household is looking forward to the BBC coverage again. Loads of acts I’m forward to seeing, along with the usual introductions to new music this weekend usually brings. Anyone else!?


I have some paint I need to watch drying.


What’s Glastonbury?



Looks a good line up to me.

Looking forward to seeing Alvvays, PJ Harvey,
Arooj Aftab and Fontaines D.C.

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I looked at the list of “artists”. I’ve not heard of most of them. But I am clearly not the target audience.

I don’t usually watch a lot of it, when I do I tend to find that my old bloke snobbery about some “young people’s music” was totally wrong, while still finding some terrible for my taste.
My last live Glastonbury was ‘88 or ‘89, whichever of those years it peed down, and I stopped going because it was too big and crowded for me, I suspect it’s close to 10 times bigger now.


I’ve noticed a few BBC announcers pronouncing it as Glass-tonbury.

Going on Sunday (local ticket) and this year have no must see artists, however looking forward to exploring and discovering new sounds. Two years ago found Dream Nails and Sea Girls, both of which would never have passed my ears.


A lot of us pronounce glass to rhyme with mass. Do you mean the BBC numpties say Glah-stonbury?

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Nah, it’s Glas tun bree


Haha, typical Naim forum OAP response. Jeez, even I feel young around here…


Montreal jazz festival opened today. It’s small beer compared to Glast. Only a few acts known to me and no real big acts like in the past. Stanley Clarke this evening but decided to give it a miss.
Passed by just before 8.30 and there was a young lady on the main stage introducing her last song. Yaya Bey? Potty mouth and simply awful voice and song (just noise).
Cory Wong is doing a freebie tomorrow which should be good.


Steady on sonny, you don’t want to be messing with the grown-ups on this forum.


I’m really looking forward to the coverage. Went several times in 90’s / early 00’s and when the sun shines there really is no other place like it.

Certainly a weaker line up than previous years but there is always new acts on the smaller stages worth listening to.

I’m not going to any festival because I don’t understand this. Why are there so many people talking in crowds during the show?

Only been once, and I worked on a coffee stall, 2016
Too many people
Too much mud
Too hot
Too many people not using provided toilets,
Caught someone pissing on my tent,
Not a good place to be if you are intolerant of idiots :rofl:


Lots of good bands to enjoy this year, I will mostly be watching the new bands but a couple of established acts will be watched. One of the advantages of being a pensioner is that any bands I can’t fit in over the weekend can be watched on Iplayer over the next month. Glastonbury coverage along with Radio 6 makes the licence fee a bargain and that is before you include all the other great shows on the BBC.


Have a few bands on my to-watch list but until its announced which stages are on iplayer its difficult to plan, hopefully most will be on catch up for the next week or so as per previous years.

Act like one then and stop trolling threads you’re not interested in

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