Happy with the new Naim update

Good point, though I suspect I might have tinkered before!

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Agree. I turn everything off that Iā€™m not using, including USB.

After a Full Factory Reset, sound is roundly better than ever.


These are what I presently use (copied from another post).

I use Tidal - and Tidal sounds far better than it did before - but obvioulsy you canā€™t turn-off some of what I did if you use them!

This update is both more revealing and more fussy with these settings on my system than it used to be with previous updates. Before Iā€™d experiment and they made a small difference and I left it where it sounded best and moved-on.

Now I revisit them and do understand why some are struggling at times with the new presentation and why for many others it is wonderful.
I listen to female vocals a lot and these settings influece the upper-midband as I experience it on my system - from either sounding hard and blunt and offputting or removing that effect and I find I forget I was supposed to be testing and Iā€™m enjoying the musicā€¦which is my experience which tells me I have it correct.

I have an all-Naim Active system and kind of expect any update effects would be voiced to not sound truely awful.
But if, for example, I only listened to male vocal and femal vocal that sing in the lower-range then Iā€™d not notice any problem. But it is otherwise so I am fussy with higher frequencies in vocals and some instruments.

This is still a bit of a journey exploring this update for me.



@Darkebear Now server mode off?
I listen to female voices very much and these are very tricky (harsh and shouty) after the update. Is there any parameter which does calm this in special?

Yes - on some material it seemed to be better on but on female vocals on a lot of other music, turning it off helps. Play something with the ā€˜problemā€™ pause and turn off and see what it does.

Obviously it is then not advertising as a Server on you home network if that is a problem - but it takes seconds to flick it on and use it when you need, if ever.

ā€¦again - these are not supposed to have any effect, but I find they do have an effect worth exploring. If not happy - try all options.

I received my 555 back from Naim a couple of days ago. After a very brief check using digital 1, radio and streaming from my core all seemed to be well so I initiated the firmware update from 8. something to the current release, seemed to load OK but following comments on here I did a factory reset once the thing was back up, then again as it hung on a blank screen and didnā€™t respond for an hour or so, the second time round it appeared to do the same but it did respond to the standby button that time, though not the remote or app. A power cycle later without a reset and it would allow pairing and found the wifi.
Sound seems lighter but more detailed, Iā€™m not sure I like it but Iā€™ve been vinyl only for three months and my expectations will have changed. Iā€™ll leave it a couple of weeks before worrying too much.

This is interesting. An issue with the relative difference in mains perhaps?


Iā€™m in the states and the fw upgrade sounded great from the off.


I believe the users having TWO 555PSDR on their ND555 is the problem here. A fast check verifies these users are unhappy. All with ND555 and TWO 555PSDR.



You might be right. Sad to see that the most advanced ones have issuesā€¦ā€¦, hope Naim will actā€¦., makes a dynamic piano concerto quite unpleasant to listen to at higher volume levels.


FIFY :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Didnā€™t Chris report that a hard reset brought his system back on song?

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There are people with ND555 and two 555PSDR who are happy with the update.


Yes the majority of people with ND555ā€™s have two 555ā€™s. How the change to input settings effects the sound was recently brought to our attention by DB. I definitely recommend that folks at least investigate that if they are not entirely happy post FW update.


Thanks for this.

Added to my Favourites on Qobuz to listen to.


And there are people without any ND555, be it one or two power supplies, that are unhappy with this new sound.

It does not appear to have only effected ND555 users.


Yes there are, all of the unhappy ones are advised to contact naim support! Think you have done it already :wink:

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