Have you stopped upgrading. If so, why?

After today, I do. Done. Happy. My wife wants a turntable, but I’m resisting. In any case that would be an addition, rather than an upgrade. I can’t imagine upgrading ever. That’s good too, because I can’t believe how much I’ve put into getting the system to where it is now!


Having over-spent on hi fi recently my plan is to save some dosh and upgrade to a non-existent product.:wink:


Hi Pedropete, why was this a folly? I’m considering this upgrade (hicap DR PSU) for a supernait 2.

Hi marka. I couldn’t decide whether I preferred the sn2 bare or with the hicap dr. The hicap improved some things but the sn2 on its own sounded more together. I didn’t think it was a value for money upgrade and the hicap I tried also hummed a bit so it was returned to the dealer.
Some people love the addition of the hicap and others not so much so I guess it’s probably one to demo and see if it works for you.

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I found the SN2 more ‘together’ without the HCDR too…You are not alone.


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I have stopped as to continue is going to start to cost me too much money.

At the moment ndx, xps2 nac 282 , hicapdr, nap 250dr all on Fraim with kudos super 20s.

What are my options buy used supercapdr could be £3500, by used 555dr would be £4000 to change , replace 282 with 252 another £3000 , I am sure the system would be better but with a system that if bought brand new would be £30k I think I have spent enough.


I’ve stopped as I’ve reached a point where the system achieves all that I need; yes I can hear a significant improvement from a ND555 / 555PSDR + 552 + 500DR system, but my 272 / 555PSDR + 300DR + modified Spendor SP2 system gives me all I need and I can’t justify the expense of a 500 system.

The last upgrade was to improve the Spendors by replacing the old Iskra KEU 9021 and Philips MKT 344 polyester capacitors with Mundorf Supreme PPs and improving the internal wiring.


Great reply BTB. Me too. Importantly, I’ve greatly enjoyed every level I’ve ‘stopped’ at, but while there remains a ‘better’ out there it’s probably the compulsive’s nature to hanker after it. Still guilty!

I had a medically horrible 2018 year and will be for the next 4 months with major operation, tho just earlier I bought a Star for the CDP, one less box, tho my power system installed after I moved to the CA desert is a Herron system which is fab. This past year I hadn’t played much vinyl so thought no more upgrades plus Radio Paradise and KUSC for classical streaming is so much easier. Last week my dealer said the new line stage preamp from Herron is a major upgrade. I hemmed and hawed, Now he has a client wanting to buy it 2nd hand so new one is feasible but he’ll also change my DVXX2 to Ortophone bronze. Now I just have to twist a bit more to scratch that itch or lay on the floor and wiggle around like a dog. Love my retirement in the desert but tighter funds

Sure took me long time to get a new identity on here.

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Scrub that, I managed to find a 3 year old Nac 252 ex demo to replace my 282.
Didn’t realise how much my 282 was holding my system back, what a difference, massive soundstage and subtle layers of detail.
One happy boy indeed!


I apologize if I enter a discussion between basically two persons, but I think that yes, in general big money should be redistributed, but the single who has earned it honestly and hardly – or with the aid of genius or talent – and pays his taxes cannot be charged for the centralization of capitals in the world.

Ethics and sensitivity are, so far, a personal matter. Anyway, a 100,000 + audio system is no more a ‘fun hobby’ I believe, but surely is a way to keep Naim or other brands and their workers alive. Things are awfully relative. The subtle, bad trick is that the personal possession of great capitals and their use for entertainment or mere exhibition leads to important changes in culture, not always for the best.


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lately I’ve been often tempted by the idea of a ND5XS2, because it sounds good, has no display and is sized as my NaitXS2. Yet, I have a 2004 CDX2 completely rebuilt in every part to late 2017 specs (financial conditions were both good when I bought it from a friend and when my technician did the job), and I find it very hard to give up playing CDs and filling my Mac’s SSD with my music.

Anyway, if it took frenchrooster special cables and a special switch and so on to make an NDS+555ps to make it sound at least as good, or better, than a CDX2+XPS I think I will keep my CDX2 forever and finally consider adding a 555PS (non DR) to it.

How’s life?


Max, the special cables and switch cost around 1,5 k in total. It elevated, for me, maybe 30% the sound of my nds.
If i listen to hirez, stored on my unitserve, the sound is even better.
For me, as a lot of members here, the nds/555dr is much better vs the cdx2/ xps2. I say that because you have both and you say the cdx2 is your first source, which is somehow surprising.
But perhaps you are more attached to the cd player, with the pleasure of putting physical cds . I can easily understand it.


I haven’t both… I only have a CDX2 without any extra PSU. But I tipped my foot into HD replay – let’s call it so – using my Mac via USB into a nuforce DDA-100 digital amp into Neat Iotas for a desktop ‘studio’. I can’t compare the two systems, but I am perfectly aware since a long time that well setup HD - based systems can sound ‘better’ than CD - based ones. Yet, I cannot make up my mind up for now. Or, anyway, I won’t be able to say hallo to my fourth or fifth CDX2 until I’ve heard it with a 555PS…



Ciao Max

I’m good - thank you :slight_smile: except for that flu that is now spreading accross Central Europe all is well.

I’m not sure if you should embark on a streaming route - unless of course you are looking for an endless supply of music from Tidal / Spotify etc… It will realy take some doing to better your CDX2 with 555PS (non DR).

I made a concious decision to move away from a CD player for a simple reason - we have 4 systems at home. And I wanted to be a able to use each one in pretty much the same manual/app way. That was one of the prerequisits from my wife. So she is now equally comfortable operating our SuperUniti as well as the main NDS-based system.

The most important thing is - the joy of music!

All the best,

sorry Max, i thought you were the member with cdx2 and nds. So forget my post. I hope you will enjoy the cdx2/555ps.

Hi Adam,

funny how the only reason why Silvia was temporarily favorable to switching from the CDX2 (which she refuses to use, the drawer, the clamp and all) to the ND5XS2 was a matter of convenience and not having to do with drawer and clamp and all. I think she’d also love Spotify or Tidal and being able to - as you say – use an app for all music.

I have two systems, one of which is the small but greatly enjoyable nuforce/Iota that I use for my work with music notation softwares, but since my Mac already has a lot of fine music in it (courtesy mainly of Haim Ronen and our very active Dropbox folder…) I have tasted some alternative to CD.

Perhaps the wisest thing would be to split the main rig in two: buying the ND5XS2 without selling the CDX2 and another Guizu rack…



No problemo. As for the 555PS, first I need to find a good bargain, then – well, just read my post to Adam… And I don’t yet print my own money.



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wasn’t all this about stopping upgrading??


Well it started out that way, yes. At least keeping a CD player and getting a streamer could be passed off as mere proliferation.