Have you turned the heating on yet?

Normally we wait until well into October before turning on the central heating, but this year it seems much colder than usual. We managed last night with thick jumpers and blankets, but for how long we will continue I’m not sure. Is it just me who is feeling decidedly chilly in the evening?

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The weather’s the same - it’s just that the Nova isn’t warming the room like its predecessors…


I have had the heating on this weekend

This is a joke isn’t it?

We’re starting to phase out the evening fires, but still run the heat pumps on a timer in the mornings at it’s still cool overnight here.

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Turned ours on last night when we got home from an afternoon/evening out.
Just under 16 degrees in the house when we got home.
We also normally don’t put the heating on until October, relying on the open fire if we get cool of an evening as the Autumn settles in, but to late too light it yesterday and I don’t do cold very well at all anymore🥶

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Turned it on make sure it all works,
Turned it off,
Not cold enough for me yet,

No need yet. Still reading in the sun.


I have had it on for 30 minutes two mornings so far as it was chilly at 6:30. This also dries the towel from my shower.

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We are tough guys up north.

No use of the heating or even thought of it so far.

We leave two windows open in our bedroom because it’s easier to sleep when the room is cold.

We dry our towels by just hanging them on the rail leaving windows open and/or the fan on in the bathrooms.

I will admit though that now I’m 60 I feel the cold more than I’ve ever done in the past, Which was not very much.


Still off, but I’ve added a bit water to the system to get the pressure right and did test if it works - it works indeed.

The fireplace still needs cleaning and I’ve not added wood to the storage yet.

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We have blipped the heating a few times in the last week, but no log fires yet.

Until I had my successful cancer treatment, this southern softy would have been the same. Chemo and radiotherapy do have an ongoing cost. Fortunately, I am here to feel the cold now, before it, friends would always complain it was cold at my house, but now they complain it is too warm. I point out to them how lucky they are to still have me around to complain at.


On here, since 2 days. 14 C max on afternoon and humidity. Autumn begins very soon this year.

My joints tell me when the heating needs to go on, I turned it on this week as the temperature dropped.

Having rebuilt the wood burning stove with new vermiculite, replaced any burned out irons and also redone the glass gaskets and door ropes, I lit it for the first time last night. All good so far!


LPG boiler serviced last week - or at least that was the original plan. Failing internal pump diagnosed so replacement part on order and then after changeout the service can happen. Ouch ! At least it was discovered now, rather than later in the year.

On the plus side, this pump far exceeded its stated MTBF by lasting 12 years +.

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It went on Friday evening, reasons for usually timing my holiday until the last week are various , end of crops, fewer tourists but still decent weather and I don’t have to put the heating on until I come back.

This year I am still harvesting beans for my tea, my hamstring/knackered knee meant I don’t go .

It was also late going off, it’s been a cold wet Winter/Spring/Summer .

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I’m glad it’s not just me who is feeling like a bit of a softy.

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We’ve put ours on. Temperature when Mrs DG got up this morning was 2 degrees C. Certainly, beginning to feel chilly.