HELP ! files are NOT playing…

We are not saying that this isn’t any good, but it isn’t an MP3 tag editor that I have heard mention on the forum before. MP3TAG and dbpoweramp are ones that are used by many on this forum to good effect. Typically I’d suggest making a minor change to all fields (e.g. add a full stop to the end), save it, then put the original text back making sure to miss out any obvious non alphabetic characters - at least for the testing

What I would like to do is to send a WEtransfer link to a Core user so he can check on his unit…
I can do this when I’m back home Wednesday.

Be careful. In the past Naim have had to shut down threads that involve file sharing because they can get into legal trouble if they are seen to facilitate the sharing of copyrighted material. Obviously your intentions are innocent, but music rights holders have a long history of intransigence and the law is usually on their side.

Sorry :pleading_face:

Last time we had an album (purchased and downloaded digital edition) which caused problems with a client, we used metaflac on a Linux PC to inspect tags (inc artworks). Metaflac is also available for Windows PCs.

There was nothing immediately obvious, but removing all tags (NOT clearing their contents, different thing) and then re-tagging via MusicBrainz Picard solved the issue.

I think I exported Artist, album and track title first as these were easy to check in text file for corruption.

Then --remove-all-tags

Then reimport from file

Then Picard

If that doesn’t work something in the container is corrupt (unlikely since other players work) or constructed in a way the Core doesn’t like. I would then use a free tool like ffmpeg to convert the FLAC to lossless WAV and back (generating a brand new FLAC file but with same audio content). This should solve any outstanding issue.

Back home, I now can be more precise about my tag rework as it seems TagScanner is not known…
So, first I rework the names of the files with just “ of the track” with Bulk Rename Utility.
Then I open the folder in TagScanner, select all files:

1 Online menu
2 Discogs cleanup
3 MusicBrain
4 Select album
5 Search and save.

Then the Edit menu with all tracks selected and I keep just the minimum and clean all the rest:

ALL my files are done this way…

Does it work if the files are named 01 File Name.flac ?

Nope… neither with 01-file name

ah ok, it was worth a try as I was just wondering if it was an issue the double . in the filename as I think the Core filesystem is NTFS or exFAT.

I don’t think this is your issue, but if it is, I think this suggestion comes from the way Naim rippers work. They are slightly different though, as they would be 01 - file name, with a space either side of the dash.

What do you acheive by “Discogs Cleanup”? Have you tried to play files that havent been through tis?

As I said: ALL my files have been reworked the same way…
I’m still discovering albums that don’t play in my collection !
Frustrating !
Especially when you don’t know what’s the issue…

Did you try MP3tag? I see there is an option to remove the tag data, so perhaps you could try this on 1 or 2 tracks then manually just add back the basics.

Screenshot 2023-10-04 at 16.22.41

I’ll try tomorrow, but I’m quite sure it’s not a tag issue…

Possibly, but may help to rule it out. Did you also try Naim Support?

You appear to be at binary chop stage.

Try removing all tags via the tools I suggested, then converting to WAV and back to FLAC.

One of those must solve your issue - removing all tags clears anything strange there, and the conversion from WAV to FLAC and back removes any possible issue with the audio blocks.

We’re not allowed to share files on this forum or I would help you diagnose (we have a Core).

This sort of issue was why I created the above post.

The nightmare world of the laughably-named UPnP. (Someone will come on here and proclaim it to be straightforward, followed by three pages of unintelligible instructions that one has to follow to get it to work.)

Nevertheless it could be a contributing factor. I would still try playing one of the offending album’s unadulterated by whatever this ‘reworking’ process is.

I tried this on 3 different songs from 3 different artists… nope !

I think this is certainly worth a try, again for elimination purposes. Do you have some software that will do this?