HELP ! files are NOT playing…

Just a thought, I had an issue with some audiobooks that I inadvertently ripped to mp3 joint stereo, they wouldn’t play on my mu-so.

Can you have joint stereo flax files?

Not yet, but I can find one…
But what about the sound quality after 2 conversions ?
It’s like making a photocopy of a photocopy, no ?

And how to check that ? (never heard of this btw)

Converting to wav then back to flac is fully lossless. Just like unzipping a file a zipping it up again. Bear in mind that this remove the mp3 tag data again, so again just add the minimum

Ok, so… I redownload three of the no playing albums.
Rename with Bulk Rename Utility.
Then in TagScanner just clean the tags, nothing else, no “Discog cleanup”
Delete them in the Core and copy the new folders in.

It’s working Hihaaa !

Now I “just” need to go through ALL my collection to discover which albums are faulty…
Hours of fun in perspective…

Thanks all for the guidance :+1:

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Glad you got it sorted!

It would be interesting to know which tag breaks the Core, as it is likely a software bug.

As you said, other clients play the files as expected.

ONLY 865 albums to check…

I use ffmpeg for all conversion activities. Deals with just about any format or bitrate.

There is another tool called dsd2flac which can convert DSD files.

Is there an option to remove all tags except in the tagging software that you use, it’s a feature of mp3tag.

Might be worth trying the above first, before going through all your misic,

I don’t get the point… there’s already the minimum tags…
Besides, I’ve just overwritten an album with mp3tag, and it’s still not playing !

FYI I got feedback from TagScanner:

> It’s looks like you remove huge embedded cover and this space become padding zone inside tag. And now Naim can’t read so large tag.

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Interesting, so possibly using something like mp3tag to remove all tag data might have worked also, or more specifically now you know it’s just the cover, you can just remove the cover with it. I know for sure that doing this when i accidentally added a large cover does indeed reduce the file size.

Already done…

Why do you all continue to push Mp3tag ?
I’m happy and will stay with TagScanner !

Because you can use it to run custom scripts (in this particular case, batch processing files using metaflac). If you know powershell or bash you can achieve the same result. Here, mp3tag is being used as a convenient wrapper for metaflac.

Let’s just say it’s a Forum members favourite along with dbpoweramp, and a tried and tested product that has solved many an issue here

MP3tag has literally been going for ever for a good reason. Not the prettiest interface but still.

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