HELP! iTunes Using Airplay Glitching With ND5 XS2

Equally, I think you should jump straight to the end game and check out roon. It will happily import your itunes library then remain in sync with it, It has internet radio, it has quboz and tidal, it will handle multiple libraries over multiple devices, it will play to pcs, macs, various streamers (including yours) it recognises most any dac with USB that I have thrown at it.

Oh and it you can airplay to it.

Equally you could spend most of your life getting airplay working reliably. (its probably your router btw :slight_smile: )

Thanks @garyi. I will certainly explore Roon and probably Tidal. The multiple libraries appeal I must admit.

I’ve heard from Jordan at Naim and it MAY be a fault with the internal AAC (Apple Authentication Chip) in the ND5 XS2, requiring a return to Naim’s home base for investigation and repair. What the test proved is that it is definitely not a problem with our wi-fi/router/broadband - everything except Airplay works fine on the Naim and Airplay works with other endpoints but not the Naim. Connectivity may be a problem but, in this case, it isn’t the problem.

Yeah fair enough if it was a problem at the dealers too. You can trial roon for a few weeks, though bear in mind you need something to run it from its a server solution.

… and that may be a problem, as I also have a Naim Uniti Core music server, which apparently doesn’t play well with Roon ( looked into it when you mentioned it), even though the ND5 XS2 does.

The Naim Core cannot be used to run Roon, so you will need a device on your network to run it, possibly a computer or NAS you already have, although Roon will scan the music stored on your Core and play it.

Thanks @ChrisSU. I think I’m getting a bit ahead of myself. One step at a time… let’s get the ND5 XS2 fixed first. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi all. Sorry it’s taken a while to get back on here. The Naim ND5 XS2 was returned to Naim by Richer Sounds in Plymouth, who were very helpful. I got it back yesterday and am currently testing it and it appears to be working fine now. The official reason for the issue was given by Naim as “Faulty analogue board causing streaming using Airplay to glitch. Replaced the analogue board”. It seems strange that it was the analogue board, as I would have thought Airplay streaming would be in the digital domain and the analogue appeared to work fine when not using Airplay. While I’m here, I would also like to thank Jordan Baker at Naim for his help and support. Thanks also to everyone who responded with very helpful replies. At least you now know what caused Airplay to glitch. At least it’s fixed and I can now get on with listening to music!!! Next step is to commission the Naim Uniti Core. Then… which streaming service to subscribe to? Hhhhmmm. Peace, Truth, Love and Music everyone.


Hi @Tonykins

Airplay2 requires the streamer to track the clock of the source (or elected PTP clock master on the network). This can either be done using a sample rate converter in software, or do it in hardware (controlled by software) and the audio clocks are precisely regenerated to the right frequency. The ND5XS2 uses the hardware method as it sounds better.

If the clocks can’t be controlled properly due to a fault around the clock generator, then the audio will glitch as the software will never find the point where it can track the PTP source clock.

Glad the unit is now all fixed and working. Just wanted to demystify the magic of what was going on.

Best regards

Steve Harris
Software Director
Naim Audio Ltd.

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Thanks for the clarification Steve, much appreciated. I’m not sure I understand but I get enough of the gist to make enough sense of it. I think I’ll stick to magic! The detail is very helpful, especially if anyone else experiences the same problem. It may give them a sense of what’s causing it and that there is a solution.

While I’m here, I have to say that Jordan at Naim and Richer Sounds in Plymouth did a great job and deserve credit. The ND5 XS2 is working perfectly now and I really love it. It wasn’t the best start to the dark arts of streaming but I can now get back to enjoying music, rather than worrying about my own sanity!



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