Help please!

Richard, would it be worth adding this as a FAQ so that we can refer people as they see the issue in future?

We donā€™t have the FAQ for the operating the forum any more, but I think itā€™s fine to just point anyone to this thread.

I can see the Forum FAQ is still there on my iPhone Richard?

Interesting - I thought Iā€™d hidden it.

I can see it but I tried to start a topic (just as an experiment!) and that was greyed out.

I can also see it (thus my suggestion), is it possible that beta testers can still see it?

Yes, Iā€™ll have to look into it.

Itā€™s not just beta testers because I looked at the forum in a different browser that Iā€™m not signed into. I couldnā€™t see the beta forum therefore, but I could still see the new forum support FAQs!

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My iPad can not now load even the home page of this forum and Iā€™m having issues using the iPhone.
I can predict more than half of the regulars disappearing sooner than later due to screw ups.

You could try using the Discourse app which is available for iPhone and iPad. I just use Safari without problems, but I know some forum regulars use the app which works better for them.



TJ, is your iPad iOS up to date?

As David advises above, i recommend you use the dedicated App if you have issues using regular Safari on either an iPhone or iPad.

FWIW, I use a mix of iPads, iPhone (here I use the App as it makes using the forum so much easier on a small device), and MacBook Pros and have no issues with loading the forum.

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My 2012 4th ? generation iPad is stuck on iOS 10. So that must be the reason nothing loads from from any route - google, safari and discourse hub etc.
My iPhone is on ios 12 and the Mac on the newest.

Indeed, my MacBook Air will run my Nova

TJ, Iā€™ve checked with our web developer and he confirms that Discourse gets plenty of Javscript errors if you try to run on iOS 11, so I guess iOS 10 is just as bad if not worse.

However, Iā€™ve dug out an old iPad Mini running iOS 12 and the forum seems to run just fine on that.

Yes. Iā€™m sure I am not the only one with old steam powered tech. Iā€™ve written to Santa and asked for a newer one.

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Join the ā€˜Clubā€™ TJ.

My Windows XP has been rendered ā€˜Forum obsoleteā€™ by Naimā€™s recent upgrade to the Forum.

It was rendered obsolete by Microsoft years agoā€¦

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Yes, I know.

Iā€™m a bit old fashioned.

Got sorted with a wife 50 years ago and with a bit of tender, loving care, sheā€™s still as good as new.

My old Dell Dimension XPS 266 running with Windows 95 is still running quite smoothly - although not connected to the Internet.

And the old brain, pushing 75, still seems to work, even upside down at 120kts ā€¦ā€¦

But Naimā€™ web developer, with one futuristic swipe of his keyboard has rendered the old ThinkPad ā€˜ Forum obsoleteā€™

Hey ho, there we go !

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Welcome to the future! (when I worked in a software development environment in the 80ā€™s Microsoft was doing updates to their operating systems software so often it was difficult to keep up with their changes and support our own customer base.)


Iā€™ve seen many developments in my time.

At university we used sliderules but also a KDF9 mainframe computer. We wrote our own programs in Either Algol or Fortran, on cards then punch tape.

I bought a BBC model B computer and wrote in Basic.

Then along came PCs with Windows, WordPerfect and Lotus 123. Followed by Office ā€¦ā€¦

Iā€™ve just realised that my iPad Mini 4 is now 5 years old and no doubt derelict !!!

Iā€™ll only briefly mention ADF/VOR/DME/GPS

Still, onwards and upwards ā€¦ā€¦
ā€¦. But for heavenā€™s sake, keep up with the times and keep handing your money to Apple, Microsoft and Garmin !