Here we go its vinyl time

I got my little disc yesterday and finally got my records clamped down correctly.
You can see it working and pushing the vinyl down, as before the disc, it was actually lifting the vinyl off the platter at the edge as you clamped it down.
Actually made a nice improvement, quieter for sure, much less groove noise, and this as helped push the details even more.
Just waiting to see if the cartridge is anywhere near where it should be, as was quite shocked when i first found out that a £6k cartridge had been set up with the standard cardboard arm template, it might be close, it might not, but going by an expert in these things, its more likely going to be miles out

Two things.
In Toulouse try the Audionote io1 cartridge if you get the chance since you’re listening to their deck.

In Paris there is a cartridge retipper and audio dealer called Ana Mighty Sound who stock some interesting kit, no Naim. I have an interest in them because:
A they will retip a Transfiguration Proteus I have and
B they’re the French agents for Schröder tone arms, one of which I’m enjoying immensely.

The PTP turntable might be worth a listen, also AMG.
They’re in the 20th but appointment only.

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There is also Audionote in Paris. I went there a few times. The advantage for me in Toulouse is to compare both Audionote and Vertere.
The PTP is not to my tastes. AMG : only the Giro in that price range. But looks very particular…
But thanks however.

With my Michell the little disc makes a massive difference, it does occasionally stick to a record when it’s removed but you can tell when clamping down the next if it isn’t there before you play it, it loses that gentle resistance as it pushes the record down.

My cartridge is set up with the supplied SME template too, I’ll be interested to see how you get on with this

Get some great advice from the sme guys, been trying no damping and what a difference, it looks like special attention to set up, if running full damping, i just carried on from where it was set, but i have a lot of learning to do, and set ups to try

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I didn’t understood how you can achieve no damping? What do you mean by that? No silicone gel in the SME V or something else?

Just unscrew the dip screw that runs in the oil

In what part of deck? I wasn’t aware of that.

Don’t understand what you are asking

It’s a damping screw on the arm near the VTA adjustment

Ah ok, it’s what I thought, the damping in the arm. But I think it’s not oil but silicon gel, not?

No just oil from a syringe if I remember correctly, there’s a little trough that the screw can move through, adjusting it’s hight adjusts the amount of damping through resistance as the screw moves through it.

I don’t recall ever playing with the screw, I shall have to have a go and see what the results are

Page 20 & 21 of the manual

The curved trough on the side

The dust is special audiophile dust, it comes from a hard to find valley high in the Himalayas


I’ve got that dust but also got very very special yeti hair in it (from the dogs) *


The dust is a pain on that deck. Everywhere, in each little corners.

I found a clear response on the damping fluid :
Damping fluid is oil, usually high viscosity, used to provide viscous friction in a tonearm. It will de-Q the resonance formed by the arm mass and stylus compliance. Used properly it will enhance the low frequency response. Some arms such as my Grace 940 (and I think the old Grays) surround the uni-pivot bearing with the oil while others like my SME have as an option an oil filled tray and a paddle attached to the arm and submerged in the oil.

Now-days the oil is typically silicone oil but I’m guessing the Grays used petroleum oil. »

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I’m glad it’s not just me having an eternal fight with the dust monster, my deck is an Orbe with a cover, Lord alone knows how people with uncovered ones cope

Just had a look at that photo, it doesn’t look that bad in the flesh, I shall have to buy a mini feather duster or something!

I wondered where it was going, those dogs must be stealthy.

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Nope they just produce it in far to much quantity bless em :blush:

Well as i said earlier, i have managed to borrow a smartractor from a fellow member on another site, so going to have a go myself first and see if i can do it.
This saves me the hassle of getting my turntable to the guy and a few quid.
But will be interesting to see how close it is and what other settings sound like, etc.

Dont know how many guys on here have used one, as i can see a few questions that might need an answer, but saying that, the guy that i am borrowing it off, will probably point me in the right direction

I can’t say as I’ve ever seen a Smartractor in the flesh but I’ve just looked at a video, how do you find the exact pivot point on the SME? I’ve just looked at mine and there seems to be no way of pinpointing it easily