Here we go its vinyl time

Hard to describe without getting too enthusiastic. :relieved:

Worlds apart. The Vertere displays music in a way, i have never heard vinyl before. Where the Rega is in a ā€ž in your faceā€œ type of thing, sometimes a bit nervous, the MG-1 is as rythmic, more relaxed and way more revealing when it comes to details. He never loses the oversight, instruments are as profoundly placed as it is possible, no matter how hefty it gets.

Bass is deeper, more controlled, the mids are really sweet and the top end dissolves as high as the source allows and all is tied together.

Iā€˜ve compared it to a RP 10 and a SME 20-ish and i didnā€˜t like neither, though they are great players.

I think the MG-1 sits in the sweet spot, when it comes to high-end turntables without being ridiculously expensive.


Ah, FR found a new turntable mat


When will you receive the P8?

Donā€™t know, havenā€™t asked actually. I donā€™t want to get my hopes up on delivery times and it gives me some time to collect some basic turntable necessities/accessories. Also I am considering a Pro-ject cover as I have a couple of monkeys running around and a not always careful cleaning lady. But Iā€™ll probably hear from the dealer anyway when they come and swap the ndx for a nd5xs2 sometime next week.



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FR you more and more sound like an MG-1 owner in everything but name!

The RP8 was GBP2200 with a cart in 2014 right? The MG-1 is GBP7000+ without a cart.

Iā€™m listening to Shawn Colvin and Steve Earle at the moment. Itā€™s just, clear. Itā€™s been a revelation for me. I keep hearing something else in the music. Itā€™s effortless to listen to. The detail and separation is amazing. I did listen to a P8 and DG-1 before the DG-1 and MG-1. The P8 is a terrific player, and in my view better looking than the DG-1, but on sound alone Iā€™d have gone for the DG-1. But the MG-1 is something else entirely.

As youā€™d hope for the money. Iā€™m still shocked about what we spent on it, but gosh it sounds good.

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I was asking on the sound signature presentation, not which of them is betterā€¦

OK I understand

In that case, Iā€™m not sure I can remember enough from listening to the two, it was last December. But my recollection is that the P8 had a bit more oomph, bit more bass, more drive. The DG-1 was a bit more reserved. Not missing anything, just presenting it as it is. And the MG-1 just multiplied that. More of everything but not too much of anything.

Thatā€™s exactly how it sounds right now. Itā€™s like the band is in front of me. I donā€™t notice the speakers or the player. I never feel fatigued listening to it.

I would very much like to have heard a P10, but there was no opportunity to do so. Based on what I heard from the P8, I preferred the presentation of the MG-1 though.

I sympathise with your position. Itā€™s hard to choose without an A-B comparison.

What is your kind of music? I listen specially to jazz rock albums and soul funk from the 70ā€™s on vinyl. So I need power, drive, full pratā€¦

Quite a lot of acoustic country/folk/blues. Lambchop Is A Woman. Bit of RnB (Alicia Keysā€™ album from last year is terrific). Plenty of rock, Lenny Kravitz for example. Acoustic music like Kind of Blue, Getz/Gilberto. Funk. I like music to sound as the artist intended, with present and tight bass.

Iā€™m a newbie to this - so my view is not as informed as most on this forum. There is plenty of power, drive, prat. But itā€™s controlled. I am consistently surprised by the details, I keep hearing little things (when Iā€™m not trying to listen for them), like snapped fingers, faint drum taps, and the depth of bass astonishes me. A bass drum has kick. What surprises me is that I only realise how loud I have been listening when someone comes to talk to me. But itā€™s not fatiguing at all.

Itā€™s okay FR. Our MG-1 sounds rubbish.

Almost as bad as an MSB Premier streamer, an ND555 or a DCS Rossini + clock. Almost, but not quite, even with a DV XX-2 cartridge. Imagine how awful it would sound with a Hana Unami Redā€¦

If you do take a trip to the Vertere dealer in Toulouse, I can recommend a restaurant in the centre that serves just about the finest fish we have ever enjoyed anywhere.

Best regards, BF


FR ā€¦ buy one or the otherā€¦ otherwise we will all suffer too much tension and anxiety from this cliffhanger!


I decided to go to Toulouse first. After thinking and relaxing, Bluesfan is right. I find thereā€™s no rush and buying such expensive deck without listening to it is not the best thing to do.
The other reason is that there is another deck in my radar and that seller will have it too.
In the same price range. The Audionote tt3. I will be able to compare both.
For now, I will listen to my broken Rega Rp10 and Lyra Delos :laughing:

I heard once day the Audionote reference deck, it was majestic.

The Vertere Mg1 competitor, Audionote tt3:


yes, it is awesome!:hugs:

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Do try an io if a suitable transformer is available. The blue/red one is rather good, if given enough gain, Iā€™ve not heard the higher models. The rebuild costs are attractive.

Back in Paris, have you had any dealings with Ana Mighty Sound?

Sorry Yeti, I donā€™t understand of what you are talking about. The seller is ADHF in Toulouse.

Nice looking turntable and sure it sounds as good.

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Very curious to listen to it, as the Vertere. It has 3 motors and an external power supply.