Hicap DR on SN2 or XPS DR on NDX2?

I am possibly saving up for an upgrade to my system. I currently have a SN2 and an NDX2 driving Harbeth C7es3-XD speakers. I am keeping all 3 components.

I am looking to do one of the following upgrades:

-Add a Hicap DR to the SN2


-Add an XPS DR to the NDX2.

I can only do one upgrade. Which one would give me the biggest upgrade in sound quality?

The XPS DR will improve the source by a significant margin. Always good to get a demo though from a dealer. :slightly_smiling_face:


Absent myself doing the A vs B I’d say the power supply on the NDX2.
If I were to bet I’d bet that that gives the best uplift.


I’ve owned both at one time or another and the XPS DR produces a more significant improvement to sound quality.




When I owned the the NDX 2 / SN 2 combination I added the XPS DR first and I felt that it was a fantastic improvement on the sound of the music. I later added the HiCap DR and it was a more subtle improvement.

JMHO - YMMV. …good luck with your decision.


Can’t add much more here, as ‘source first’ is a pretty common theme. It would seem the XPS-DR adds the more significant uplift versus the HiCap-DR. It does make sense, as many have even preferred the SN2 without the HiCap addition. I, personally, do not fall in line with that opinion. I feel the SN2 benefits quite a bit with the HiCap-DR. I cannot imagine parting with it at this point after having it in the system. @seakayaker might be on-point in that it may be subtle, but it is there and does bring it to another level of overall performance.
I just recently purchased the NDX2 and XPS-DR combo and there’s no doubt it is a much more refined and focused beast with the PSU upgrade; I really couldn’t say that so definitively with the Integrated’s PSU upgrade.


I really shouldn’t mention the option of a PS555DR lest certain forum members of a sensitive disposition explode with rage and start banging on about it being overpriced and an inappropriate partner for the NDX2. But sod that, I’m mentioning it anyway. If you could find a nice used one for the same price, or little more, than an XPSDR, then that’s the one to go for. But if it’s a straight choice between Hicap DR and XPS DR, then the latter is the one to choose.


You ARE living dangerously, mon ami!

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Halibut is right, 555 is a game changer.

I would love a PS555DR. But, the price would have to be right, surely a used one if I could find one.

Thanks everyone for the replies so far. There is a consensus that the XPS DR (or 555DR) on the NDX2 would be the better alternative.

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The xps dr should be better it nearly costs 2 times more.

I feel someone’s got to take up for the humble legendary Hicap. Poor little thing!


Sell the SN2 and buy a used SN3 which doesn’t benefit as much from hicapdr. Then you can buy the xpsdr.

I’d probably qualify, so would agree with;

Having done all of that :sunglasses::roll_eyes:


Tried both and 100% the HicapDR did a huge audible enhancement within the first 30 seconds. To this day I still don’t have a power supply on my NDX2…


I swapped my XPS DR for a demo 555PS DR and it improved SQ to such an extent I wished I’d gone down that road from the start.
It also facilitates further upgrades.

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For those that have bought the XPS DR, is the burndy cable included with the purchase of the XPS DR?
Or is it an additional purchase?

Yes both S-XPS Burndy cable as well as the power cable should come supplied with the unit.


Thanks Stephen. That is good news. I saw the price of the Burndy, yikes!