Grammaire ?
Rooster, to my big surprise I found out a few weeks ago that I live 10km from a bloke who builds high end turntables. Once I’ve given him a visit, I’ll post some photos. I’m sure you like it.
Seems to have a problem with uploading pictures so I will try it in two runs…
Nr. 15 Fono Acustica Part 1
The first song of Carole Laure I didn’t like so much but has nothing to do with the equipment. With Adele I had a better possibility to evaluate. And the music seemed to stick to the speakers, meaning the speakers didn’t dissappear in the soundstage. Strange as I belief I heard the speakers in earlier years and belief they were sounding good.
Nr. 15 Part 2 Fono Acustica
Apparently something is wrong with the site right now as it’s hard to upload stuff for me independent of the device I use, having solid internet connection. Anyhow will try to push through.
Also with the Eva Cassidy song the balance seemed to be off, so overall not a good experience while this should actually be a good or reasonably good demo.
Will continue tomorrow and hope the issues with the site are solved then. I just was starting to up.pad pictures from my Naim stand visit, but again a crash in the upload. Let me at least say that the room of Naim was much better setup as compared to last year, while still not as good as the years before Corona in which I felt Naim had a better room and better division of space and seperation.
Hopefully tomorrow more, and apologies for this, but I hate to have to upload multiple times and rewrite text just because the site is not so responsive right now.
Yes, Yes !!
I feel the turntables you refer has granite base ?
Huh… wonder how they can keep the cost so low.
Maybe one of these days you could also write a bit about how you approach the show? How you choose which vendors to visit etc.
Maybe it’s made in China but designed in Nederlands?
No, it’s a bloke who was steelworker before and has combined his work and hobby and now builds massive machines. I still have to invite myself and I don’t know if he allows visitors in his place.
According to the Clarisys Audio website, the company is headquartered in Switzerland. They write, “Our products are designed by a global team and proudly engineered and manufactured in Viet Nam. With every purchase we support a local charity in Viet Nam because we believe in family and friends!”
We were talking about this Takumi table.
It’s 2500Euro. Designed in the NL but maybe made in Eastern European somewhere like Project or in Asia to keep the cost down.
Whoops, sorry. Earlier you were talking about those speakers, I lost track… There’s another Dutch company that uses Japanese names for their cables, must be a trend.
Nr. 16 Part 1 - Naim
Will start with uploading the pictures and then add the text with impressions etc later today.