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Which chord cables do you use?

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Can you describe the sound of shunyata.
Maybe compared to catsnake - even with catsnake on ee8.
Is is more open or more bodied?
The diamond has a similar price and is so much more resolving and authority.
But as mentioned colour and body is missing
Does (in your system) the shunyata is full bodied.
Do you also understand that the sigma is a pure copper cable?

I’ve Shawline from the Core to the EE8 switch for music, Clearway for the TV and Apple TV to the EE8, then Signature from the EE8 to the ND555. The Apple TV has the output to the Bluray, with video to the TV and then coaxial output for sound direct to the ND555. I also have clearway optical cable from the TV to the ND555.

Basically, my approach is to use the same brand across the system, expect for Superlumina and Powerlines on the Naim connections.


Yes, you are right. Precedently I had the 250 dr and NC 250, but tubes pre. So yes it may give different results.

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Maybe a mix of vodka with diamond would be the best compromise ? Like vodka from router to PhoenixNet, vodka from PhoenixNet to Innuos, and Diamond from PhoenixNet to Nd555.


I’ll try to describe the sound as best as I can. Yes, it’s very full bodied with a lot more weight to everything. Bass is so much more accurate and fast. Vocals are particularly well handled and convey a lot of emotion and subtle inflections that I’ve never heard on other cables. It’s the subtle stuff where the Shunyata seems to excel. An audience talking, applause, musicians tuning-up all sound wonderful. When the music gets going there is a real build in tension, the way the music moves dynamically is very very impressive but it never sounds edgy or uncomfortable just all very natural. Piano notes are another area where you hear the tonal accuracy. I don’t think I’ve ever heard the piano more accurately portrayed. It makes Catsnake sound lumpy, quite crude and very flat. Image width with the Shunyata is immense. Again, I think this is down to the lack of high frequency noise. It’s so quiet you get to hear the venue acoustics more clearly and that locks images in place more accurately. It really is very good and if there’s a local dealer that you can borrow from you should really give it a try. There’s really nothing to lose unless, like me, you like it!

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Hope the situation with your mum is improving. Wishing her a full and fast recovery.

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I have a 25 meter lenght of catsnake cable between my router and first switch ( cisco) this switch has all my house stuff plugged into it under the stairs. From there i use catsnake once again in my second switch the PhoenixNet, this cable is about 7 meters long.
After that i don’t use catsnake cables anymore as i found it duller.
I run audioquest diamond from PhoenixNet to my vivaldi and the supplied cable that came with the PhoenixNet between it and my melco.
I have tried it many ways but 100% i need the diamond cable where it is. I also feel i could do with a better cable between the melco and PhoenixNet, as i tried it using usb directly to my vivaldi and it sounds the same, this was never like that before and the ethernet was better, but i am using a good CAD usb cable.
But i do think i am slightly missing out on true performance at the moment from my stored music, especially now i find myself just streaming virtually everything even if i have it on ripped on my melco, so that’s got to be saying something.
But i keep looking for a secondhand diamond cable or something similar or better to use.

I have cinnamon from innuos server to PN. Last leg has the most impact - maybe vodka last leg and Diamond from zenith to PN. But my diamond is not long enough :slight_smile:

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Thanks a lot - very difficult with her…

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Thank you so much.
Thats exactly my liking!
I will give it a try - will contact a dealer!

Is it a pure copper cable? think so…

Or Rooster cheap as chips Belden Catsnake or Blue Jeans from Router through to PN then one of Chord’s better streaming cables from PN to ND555 (NDS).

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I only know the chord clearway - chord music is … too much. I also could give the others (Sarum?) a try.

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I was thinking about Sarum T for you Drago. They aren’t too expensive second hand and will give you 80% of Chord Music. When my hifi friends listen to my Streamer their jaws drop, to a man. Belsen Catsnake is just great running up to the last switch and soooo cheap


As @Cohen1263 has said, a Sarum T would be ideal and they do crop up on the usual sites at “bargain” prices.

If, however, you really do want the best, then Chord Music is simply sensational. Absolutely nothing else - Vodka, Diamond, Catsnake or Bluejeans and others - have come anywhere remotely close. Who knows, you might be able to find one at a good price?


Always wanted to try Chord Music but I just cannot afford any variant. Currently there’s a Music USB on an auction site for £1500 :worried:

Btw my system has taken another leap today. I’ve given up trying to figure out what has burnt in this time. The layering of the music is captivating.

I’m a very happy man right now. I’m supposed to be running errands but I can’t bring myself to leave my room.

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Yes it is hideously expensive. There just isn’t anything like it though IMO and wishing won’t make it so. But what do I know? I’m still a fan of Naim Lavender and with my speakers I prefer Kudos KS1 cable to Superlumina.


Has any of you tried the Neotech Neet-1008. The reason I ask is because it has won over Shunyatas and Transparents most expensive Ethernet cables in a few hi end systems here. As I said before, I haven’t heard the cables in those systems so this is not my opinion. But the opinion comes from a person I very much trust why it would be so interesting to hear if you guys, with real hi end systems, with clean digital front ends and clean power, have experienced it. Anyway just a bit of an over interest in this cable I suppose, on my end that is.

Maybe it was just Shunyata. I must ask my friend. :face_with_monocle:


It’s the fiddlers paradise on here!haha I dont even know what people are talking about


You wouldn’t believe how much all this fiddling can improve your system. Adding up all the small tweaks you’ll end up making a difference as big as a component change.