I did a thing ... 500DR to come

Will do so soon.
But I took the same order as the previous owner - the 2nd one on the green band Burndy.
You could tell as the socket was more clean :grinning:

I’m going to chuck in a bit of a curve ball for you to catch! Do you still have another switch to play with other than the PN? You may remember that I didn’t like the PN I borrowed because it pushed the bass too much and made everything sound a bit too smooth, robbing the life out of the music. I wonder if it’s this that spoiling the second power supply impact? The combination of one PS and PN is probably quite balanced. One supply is a bit raw and the PN is smoothing this out. Two supplies and everything gets smoother and more detailed but the PN over cooks this? Just a thought?


@Cohen1263 has 2 X 555 dr and the PhoenixNet.

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I know where he’s coming from Rooster. In some ways I prefer my EE8/ farad 3 as the last switch in a two cascaded. But nothing slow about my system with PN last up!


I fully understand but at this level of kit it’s these small little adjustments that can make all the difference.


So true

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Ee8 is still here :blush:

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PN has smoothed - that is true, but in a good and detailed way. Ee8 is also brighter which will be not good added on the 2nd ps.
But … I could give it a try. @Geko I even have a lhy 25 here - guess who triggered that :rofl:

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I’m not sure why you hear ANY negatives from adding a second 555p/s to the ND555 regardless of which switches you use and in what order. It makes no sense to me but you have to go with your own judgement. Happy listening!


I was also very surprised but sometimes personal preference and room acoustics can do its deal.
From a technical point 2ps are better. But with 1ps it touches me more.
For me it should trigger the emotional effect - regardless from more space or resolution.


Maybe it just hasn’t settled in yet.

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Well they do sound quite different, so i now understand why the difference he is hearing is far greater.
Edit, wrong thread. Lol


easy to get mixed up on the thread!haha

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The 2 main threads :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I would like to explain (myself) why 1PS is currently winning the game.
I came from 52/sc/135/sbl … in mid January this year too fast on the 500 train.
I had Olive since 1990 and really loved its sound (kept all of it). There were even situations when Olive won over more expensive classic (like superline vs prefix).
The Olive system was perfectly balanced except the bass light SBL.

With kudos 606 things changed… like hifiman once wrote, hell broke loose :joy:
Olive worked with 606 but something was missing. So I looked for 500 pre and power amp and they came too fast.
With every update it gets a bit less Olive - 552 brought back the timing and speed … 500 is big and neverending grip.
Every update was really better but also sideways from my beloved Olive sound.

The second ps on nd555 seems to be the last step - smooth and detailed. When doing updates in classic range straight up to 500 i think it is straight up without a doubt of listening habit.

Long story… when my ears have arrived at 500 level (and have „forgotten“ the Olive habit) the 2nd ps will be a dream.
Till then, system sounds a bit edgy and rough - like full 500 with a tiny Olive spot. :smiling_face:

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@drago I completely understand what you mean and I concur with your assessment. This is also why I usually ignore comments that state newer is always better. Better technically perhaps but older gear somehow has more soul and a level of engagement that is very addictive.

The 52/135 system for example if very rough sounding but it somehow captures the emotion of the music very well. This is probably the best explanation I have for my previous comment about ‘the best listening sessions with the 135s’

Having said that, it took me about a year to achieve my optimum sound with the 52/135 setup so give the 500 series time. Tweaking your system should achieve the sound that you’re after.

Right now my 500 series is definitely bettering that vintage system in every respect but I’m now about 5 months on from where I started so it’s taken its sweet time.

There are a couple of upgrades that have really sweetened up the tone of my system.


Thanks @khan84
Really thought about your adaptation period with the 500. emotionally there was great impact of 52/135. but the force, power and detail of the nap500 is also very impressive.
It much about knowing the sound and getting used to it.
New - even if massively better - is sometimes strange.
When I had the chance to switch to last years system in a blink of an eye, I would be surprised how much better is is with 500.
especially with 500 I hear things I have never recognized before :sweat_smile:

What is the green arrow in your picture pointing at?

For the album: :smiling_face:


I have 3 levels of Indonesian rosewood blocks. Sandwiched between them are 1mm sorbithane sheets.

The 500 series is sitting on Indonesian ebony wood feet.

Yes you’re right. Your ear-brain mechanism must get used to the new sound too. We become comfortable with one sound and sometimes it can take time to adjust.


Nice - would not work in my setup as 500 is not on top.
Sometimes I think the sound is a bit dry - but with SBL i remember it in a similar way - but this was known sound characteristic, so no thoughts on that.
And it is so much more source dependent and on other surroundings…
Even room temperature was making a big difference… I think tweaking can do some things.
More experiments with cables? Ethernet cable? Vodka back in? No :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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are you taking about the Audioquest Vodka cable? If so it would not be my personal choice if your system is dry sounding.

Naim is generally a more dry sound compared to tube gear and many other brands that I’ve heard. This is what helps achieve the very impressive timing of Naim gear.

I’ve balanced the dry sound with tube source components although SW1X isn’t your typical tube sound.

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I also think that when you have those magical evenings, with a special piece of kit, it sticks in the old ‘audio’ memory and until something better comes along to dislodge it you are loathed to move away. Trouble is, when you make a lot of rapid changes, it takes time to get the new system to a point where it creates the next level of ‘magical’ moments, so you sit there wondering if it’s all been worth it. Or, like Drago, messing around with a half-way house trying to get the best of both world. Absolutely nothing wrong with that and I’m just as guilty. I also have a pair of serviced 135’s wrapped up in my garage ready for instant service if the 500 didn’t work out and, just like Drago, I played with them for about a month. Luckily I got the magic pretty quick (about 3 months in) and my 135’s have been in their place of residence, the garage, for a little over eight years now!

Tweak away but I predict it will get less and less and then one day the system will just drop into the grove and then I doubt you’ll give Olive a second thought except when you reminisce and to say you were there - a bit like us oldies and the swinging 60’s or disco 70’s!