I did a thing ... 500DR to come

Mine should be going in the next hour. Guy is meant to deliver at 1pm!

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Hurry up, it’s 38 minutes past 1 now. And…?

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Nothing, but things have certainly moved on with turntables, cartridge’s, etc, since then.
So saying it matched a 40 year old turntable isn’t really anything to be proud off really these days is it ??? Or maybe i am wrong.

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It’s all set up now. Fired up and playing!


Installation complete. Let’s see what the 2nd 555PS brings to the party!


I’ve put it on my threaf! Sorry Drago!

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All Fine
I have done fiddling… again
Quick check against 1ps after 24h in a very warm room
1 ps was initially soo much more emotional and involving…
Strange … room is much deeper … really love it much more.
So be it - will keep no.2 switched on and see what is coming later

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Will having the burndy disconnected to 2nd ps affect the sound? If it was me I woukd have both PSs connected up and leave it for a few weeks to come on song. Connecting and disconnecting won’t give a proper indication of what the 2nd ps is adding.

I get that you have the 2nd PS powered up which will help.

Hope you are enjoying your 500DR and wonderful system.


Your are the best as ever.
With one ps it is still full 500 :smiley:

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Does your car outperform a Ferrari F1 from the mid 80’s?

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As you know very different concepts.
Plus look at how far a F1 car has gone in 3 years let alone 40.

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I’ll take that as a “no” then … :slight_smile:

It was something like 200 k turntable, with today’s prices.

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A rega p8 will show most dac’s how it done. Thats a very modest turntable these days and doesn’t cost much at all.
Can’t remember how fast the F1 car’s from 40 years ago went round a track, but i wouldn’t be surprised if say a modern supercar would be far behind or maybe quicker these days ?

But using the world off F1 isn’t anything like a 40 year old turntable against a modern dac is it.

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Doesn’t matter about what price it might have been. Its about the comparison to a turntable that’s 40 years old.
Now if it was say a modern turntable that’s say £200K then that’s an achievement, but as we know it wouldn’t even get close to that, but then no dac can really match a turntable when done right at the moment, but obviously some get closer like that wadex dac, but then that’s about £250k

I can’t argue because I have never heard a Goldmund Reference.
The point of Martin Colloms was not a comparison I think. When he connected a second ps to the Nd555 he remembered the big surprise he had when he first heard a Goldmund Reference. It’s more about the emotion .

But relax. He said later : “ the Vivaldi / clock/ upsampler put my head on steroids. Maybe in 2050 a top turntable will achieve this level of sound. We generally refer to analogue sound, but here it’s supranalogue! “

I have never read his reviews, heard the turntable or even know anything about it.
As said i just found the 40 year statement quoted a bit strange.

My vivaldi set up can’t quite match my turntable. They obviously sound different but the turntable just has something that makes you think, that’s so right.
Can’t explain it really, but a turntable doing it’s thing correctly is still the one to beat. Strange really when you think about it and how it works.
But dac’s have certainly closed the gap, but at the same time they have gone stupidly up in costs. Spending £100k on a dac is easy these days, plus you have quite a few to choose from. Its like the manufacturers have just gone take that, you will pay it.


Back to my psychics

Currently running on one ps.
Sound is darker and has more rough boogie - with a lot of emotion but also some edges :rofl:
Which I really like is the mega deep soundstage with some kind of kudos like liquid sound. With 2nd ps it was too much (for me) and a bit dry.
But… in total decadence I have the 2nd ps as an option, when I like and 500dr has arrived home. As 555psdr is 2 years old and I got it for 50% of retail, there will be also an option of selling- but this is far away


One other quick check Drago. Switch the burndys around just to make sure it’s not an issue with one of the supplies. You don’t have to move them just switch the cables over so they run to the opposite supply if that makes sense? I know when I did this I preferred them a certain way round.