I did a thing ... 500DR to come

Here it is different
Diamond- 2,2 k euro
Sigma - 2k euro

Both 1,5m
Still listening - no tone at all is aggressive… all is floating

Ah yes that’s the one the Neotech Neet-1008 beat. The Shunyata Omega. Memory isn’t getting better with time😅

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They all pull that NASA card when price is high. As for Music Chord claims they use a new generation of PTFE which they call Taylon. PTFE is another name for Teflon which you have in your cheap frying pan. There are no words anywhere on Taylon besides in Chord marketing material. One can make their own judgement on that :slight_smile: I am however a believer in that different materials together change the performance but against all the magic naming of material used to make it sound unique.

Maybe this is what you refer to?

Fluorocarbon dielectrics are usually only found in wire used in the aerospace industry, satellites and only the most expensive audiophile cabling. It has special electrical characteristics; very low dielectric absorption, high dielectric strength and exceptional heat resistance. When used in audio and power cables is reduces the perception of dynamic compression and it improves sonic low-level resolution and clarity. For dense, bulk materials, fluorocarbon polymers have the lowest dielectric constants—polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE; Teflon®) and Teflon® AF have κ values of 2.1 and 1.9, respectively. It is therefore, advantageous to look at fluorocarbon compositions as a starting point in developing new low κ dielectric films.

You can find Fluorocarbon in fishing lines too… Maybe they aren’t as expensive? :smile:

Fluorocarbon line is a very popular line that is almost completely invisible in the water and that it sinks easily so you can quickly get down and fish at the desired depth. It is harder and stronger than the usual nylon rope. Fluorocarbon lines are often used for perch fishing, bass fishing, pike fishing, sea fishing, saltwater fishing, etc.

Fluorocarbon is also a really good material to make paws from. If you fish with braided line, it is of great advantage to put a claw made of Fuoro. Then the last bit before the bait becomes almost completely invisible and the line is much more durable and can handle both stones and other things that wear on our fishing lines.

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Any idea where that comparison came from? I’m finding the Sigma in a completely different league to any other ethernet cable I’ve listened to (I’ve not heard Chord Music yet) and would have thought that if a £250 was better then it would be causing all sorts of ripples in our world? It would be nice to know before I end up pawning a kidney for a length of Sigma ethernet cable.

Isn’t the Neet-1008 of silver construction? Just slightly worried it would suffer the same problems Drago has pointed out between Vodka and Diamond?

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3000 € vs 300 € hard to imagine - neotech is a silver cable. Where is the review?

I think that lack of aggressiveness is due to the lack of ‘noise’ that is now absent from the mix? I’m finding it hard not to keep turning the volume up to stupid levels. Everything just sounds so together!

It might be worth asking @Cheddar_Cheeese how he’s getting on with his Sigma cable as he was the one that put it on my radar - along with Diamond. I think, at some point, he was going to try to get hold of some Neet-1008 to try.

Yes it’s a friend of mine that is very much a hi-fi aficionado and as such is traveling around listening to and helping people set up their hi end systems. I can’t tell you the specifics about the different systems. I also don’t know if he has tried that cable in those expensive systems. However his claim is it’s the best Ethernet cable he has heard and he has compared it to several others, the Omega included. A caveat seems to be that the Omega can sound better if the system has problems with noise. If the system doesn’t the Neotech sounds better. I agree with your sentiment that this cheap cable should stir things up if there was a consensus it is better. That’s also why I find it so interesting to have you guys test it and hear your view.

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There is no review. This is the view of one of my friends but it’s a very interesting view because he has heard most expensive cables and listens to several hi end systems. I personally value his opinion rather high and thought it would be interesting if you guys could try this cable and give your view also.

I now have it in my system but have not heard anything other than my catsnake. So I have nothing fancy to compare to. Obviously I too should try the Shunyata to see how it works in my system compared to the Neotech. I’ll see what I can come up with.

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Cable is definitely worth a look.
Both vodka and especially diamond are also very good. Diamond and vodka do some things so good. Especially diamond’s resolution is something you miss, once you heared it.
Sigma is doing everything very well and is very good in all disciplines - without the tendency in shining in one discipline and being a bit weak in another.

I remember that @Peder found the Neotech better vs the Diamond, his long time favourite.

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I saw he sold his Diamond.

I have had some Ethernet cables on trial like Neotech that are so stiff I’m worried about damaging the Ethernet port. Not sure the Ethernet port is that rigid. My current Entreq Olympus RJ45 is so soft I wonder if there is anything in it. If you have tried Puritan Ultimate you know the feeling. Love it :blush:

Yes - remember that too

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That is also the reason that I am a bit worried and made my own creation fixing the cable at the wall (foam fixing - should have a patent on this), so that it does not damage the port!
Fixing is bad - so what!

Entreq Olympus… ? Checked the price (without ground box) :flushed:
Do get a better price as it is a local product as I understand :blush:

Paid less than the Shunyata including a ground box :slight_smile:

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Yes my friend, it’s not Peder😅 found the Audioquest Diamond way below both the Shunyata Omega and the Neotech Neet1008. And as said, he found the Neotech better than the Shunyata Omega given you have a clean signal.

You say that the friend you are talking about is not Peder? Right ?
But you are all from Sweden :grin:

Personally I remember the time when I compared many linear ps, switches, lan cables……At the end I found it tiring. I even hated that, waiting that the components burn in, then maybe 14 days after doing the comparisons, swapping cables, changing directionality….listening 5 minutes one, then 5 minutes with the other….Many many times.
At the beginning I found it fun, but not anymore.
Not prepared to test other switches or lan cables. 3 Audioquest diamond, between router, Melco, and Nds, and a PhoenixNet. Enough money invested in improving the network ( around 6k in total).
It could sound better ? I have no doubt on it.


Haha yes we are all from Sweden. Might be that Swedes like Neotech.


How so? Swedish price for Swedish

I hate it so much as - but the imbalance with both AQ were pretty bad before. Thanks to geko I found a cable which gives pleasure again. Even if there the ultimate resolution is missing.
Will there be something better for system in current room? YESS!
Could it be for much less? YESS, maybe.
Do I want to search further! NOOO!

Even when I am tempted to text neotech and entreq cables - especially the latter, as I like to wood and I like Sweden :blush:
Neotech will not be my kind, as the stiffness is not my cup of tea. But Olympus…. @Blackbird: are there more where yours is from? :sweat_smile: