I did a thing ... 500DR to come

You’ll be missing out.

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I started out with the cheapest Entreq Primer Infinity Lan RJ45 which includes a small ground box. A friend had one he got with another purchase so I thought I’d give it a go. That was my start with Entreq. I as many had a suspicious eye since many have opinions. All of them which never tried Entreq. I compared to c-stream and some “lower end” cables and it was a walk in the park for Entreq IMO. So I moved up to Konstantin which was even better. I then compared against Shunyata Venom. Venom felt slow and shut in in comparison. Entreq was so relaxed, open, easy listening. Then a used Olympus was available and it was another step up.

There are so many cables out there it is more or less impossible to listen to them all. I have compared my Olympus against different chord, Oephi, Shunyata, Neotech 1008 and such and still I’m stuck with Olympus :slight_smile: And it’s always been easy to make the decision which is not always the case as you know :slight_smile:

The Oephi Transcendance ethernet was very good but not value for the money IMO. The Neotech is extremely good for its price. I could happily have lived with it but the stiffness made it easy for me to let go. I’m sure the higher end Shunyata are better than Venom.

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Yeah - but I would go mad when it pulls on my nd555 Ethernet socket

I have just ordered a neotech to run between my melco and PhoenixNet.
I have been waiting for a audioquest diamond to become available secondhand, but the last one i saw looked very much like a fake one.
Anyway will try this and also on the final leg and see how it goes against the audioquest diamond.
For the price if i gets close to the diamond i will be very happy, and if it’s better then i will get another lol.


Please tell your thoughts.
Ethernet cable is really a tough one. Diamond is really :+1:.

If it’s of any interest the guy that has loaned me the Sigma is running a three box DCS front end, which I think is a DAC, up-sampler and streamer like yours? He had the Sigma in his system, which he’s just swapped out for the Omega - hence why I have it. He really rates the Shunyata’s and says he tried loads of different cables before he found the Shunyata’s. Judging by the pile that was on his floor he’d tried a lot! I think his speaker cables are worth more than my whole 500 system, so he knows his onions and is not afraid to experiment, so I kind of trusted him when he said the Shunyata’s are good. So far, I’ve not been disappointed.


Too bad that you are far away - would love to send you my diamond for a test :sweat_smile:
Love what the shunyata does. But to be honest - there are no „what the f…“ moments so far. It does nothing exceptional - but does everything so good. No faults - no edges and „ouch“ moments. More musical than hifi!

It’s a very divided option on the dCS forum about ethernet cable’s. You get some say a £5 cable is all you need, and there’s no difference between any off them. Plus you can’t run any that are shielded. Other’s like myself like to try different options.
I like to just try thing’s and then say how i found them. Obviously everyone is different and you will get very different responses, but you can only try for yourself and trust your ears and not your eyes.
The sigma cable certainly seems a good cable, it does it all well, even if it doesn’t really shine or show it if you know what i mean.
I would also like to try one, one day probably. But for now i will see what differences, if any i get with what i have coming.

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It’s good to achieve a balance and a sound where nothing is bothering us and nothing seems to be missing. I have achieved that I think.
I am glad you have too. You can now more relax and enjoy :+1:


Yep we can get some pointers about any hifi……but, need your own ears.

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Thanks :heart_eyes:
There is is always something missing - with diamond the brightness brought a lot of details - but less colour and room. The latter had bothered me. Shunyata is more on the relaxed musical side - balanced as you mentioned :innocent:

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I will try to get a listen to Diamond if I can but I was never a great lover of Vodka. It just didn’t gel in my system. It was too ‘in your face’ and lacked refinement.

I’m still constantly being surprised with Shunyata as there’s little things that pop up that I’ve just never heard or realised were even there. I love what it does to vocals and I love the timing. It’s just, as you say, so musical. I was listening to a track of an orchestra tuning up before their performance and the realism was stunning. For me it’s the cable I’ve been looking for. Perfectly balanced, doesn’t exaggerate anything, massive image, great bass and good with live music. I just need to live with one kidney!

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I recommend you the Anzus DC T Gold Supreme switch and 1 m Ethernet cable: 40 k for the combo.


Got one on order funnily enough ! :muscle:


It will be most interesting to hear your thoughts on it given your system. I think you’ll be pleased especially compared to something like the Audioquest Vodka or Diamond. They have been compared and the Neotech is supposedly much better. It is as I have said supposed to better the Shunyata Omega.

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Will run it on something else for a week or two first to burn it in and then swop it over to the hifi.
Already on the dCS forum i gave a guy saying it’s a waste off time cable, he tried it and it was far too bright and removed it straight away. He didn’t give it any time to burn in, so not bothered about his views obviously.

As said i will give it a far go and see how it stands up. I didn’t really want to spend £2k on the sigma, especially if i then wanted another.

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To bright is not the cable it’s noise in the system I’d presume. The cable is not bright in my system. But off course it’s system dependent

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Nothing bright about it in my system either. Worst ethernet cable I’ve tried was a Chord Shawline. It was horrible in my system. Cables are not easy. It’s a lot of tweaking to find synergy between all parts. Right now I’m in a place where the system sounds so beautiful so I’m trying to resist any further tweaking. For now. Not sure where I would spend money next time either and what I would want that I’m missing today.

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As I said earlier in this thread there are no rules when it comes to noise, streaming and the Ethernet, so I can well imagine some situations where a certain, possibly cheaper cable, will outperform a much more expressive one. Even I have discovered some peculiar quirks if I put the Shunyata Sigma with an SMPS on the switch I sounds decidedly average. Change the supply and it’s a completely different cable. I’ve preferred my very cheap Catsnake over much more expensive Chord cables, so it’s all a bit of a lottery. What I will say is that the Sigma, for me, is more like a box upgrade than a cable change.

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My friend tried to explain his thoughts about noise but I am not technical like he is. He has built his own DAC and amplifiers so he is very technical. He said that if one gets the noise down with clocks and power supplies and the system is transparent the Neotech is better than the Omega and this is in different systems so it is an interesting cable for sure.