I did a thing ... 500DR to come

All correct
From my short experience with the speaker cables it is a balance between detail and full sound and eventually groove.
The more detailed a cable is, the less it full sounding (my short shootout). Naca5 is full and has basswheight. But there is less micro detail. Cables that let more details through are leaner with less colour and basswheight.
At the end it is the room and ear that dictates. In a dampened room with a bass mode (remember @Blackbird mentioning it), naca5 will not be good.
In a big and high tilefloor room as mine - which is more on the bright and analytical side - naca5 brings the colour it needs.
For the same reason the PN was a winner.

I had some of my doubts recently when 500dr and 2nd 555ps came in, when the system suddenly lacked colour. Changing from diamond Ethernet to sigma brought the balance back.
For this reason I am really careful in choosing a speaker cable to test.
Maybe SL would not fit well as it was also a bit leaner - but who knows without test.

Any suggestions. Will look for:

  • ks1
  • oephi ascendance (better to dress than the bigger ones)
  • Vertere pulse xs (very similar to SL - no surprise, SL cable was co developed with vertere?)
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You asked for it :sweat_smile: Haha @drago you know which brand I’m going to recommend. And really I don’t work for them or have any interests in the company or any other affiliations. Well thats not quite true, I am friends with the Swedish distributor. But mainly I like what they do. So here goes. Try Neotech Nemos 3080. They are not to expensive and to my ears sound great.

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Saw you replying … and I really know what to expect :rofl:
And was planning to ask if you are an employee :rofl:
Already had looked up the Nemo… :blush:

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Currently listening with dull PN and dull naca5…
Sooo good!
I can imagine that there is more micro detail in the song (even if 500dr and sigma brought a lot of it). But I also know that with more power comes more r… wait - no. :rofl:
With more detail and cleaner sound there is less rough groove (last Olive character in my system)


I have Naca5. I think it is a good speaker cable and is what Naim recommends.

I am sure SuperLumina and other cables will offer different qualities.

There are quite a few of us on here with full 500 systems with Naca5.

And of course @Blackbird has enjoyed Naca5 and used it on many occasions. Maybe now he is changing them out for a while.

Maybe I have done too many upgrades to change speaker cables as well?


@Dan_M :kissing_heart:
Same here …
And our Swedish mate had naca5 4 times - maybe 5th to come…
He has his point - with this fully updated system - the naca5 can be the weak link.

I was the guy who returned the detail monster melco n10 for a hdx. Less detail but boogie.
The naca boogie should not be underestimated :crazy_face:


There’s more to music than boogie. I can get boogie drunk on a music festival too :smile:

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It’s just that people spend a fortune on the black magic boxes and satisfy with naca5 as it’s “good” or “doing its job”. That’s like putting cheap tires on a Ferrari. Why satisfy with ok when there is very ok out there :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’m just trying to push you guys to evaluate the higher end market of speaker cables. No offence :kissing_heart:


Maybe sometimes we need a change to keep system alive as well.

I don’t feel the need for changes right now. The upgrades I have had done made me very excited. The anticipation of new boxes, new cables, turntable upgrades gave me a massive buzz.

For me, now is the time to let the system bed in and enjoy it without changes.

The other thing is I have a speaker/amp switch. I had Witchat N2 from amp to switch then Naca5 from switch to Sopra 2s. Then Linn K20 from switch to 2nd set of speakers. Then I have cables to AV amp from switch. It means I can use Sopra 2s with 500DR and AV amp. And switch the speakers feom lounge to conservatory where I have Focal Aria 936s.

I have just replaced N2 with brand new Naca5 with longer lengths so I can move the 500DR to different position as necessary.

Naca5 take a long time to burn in. So I am not going to change them out now as they are new.

I have been making tweaks with shelf heights as well recently. But to all intents and purposes my system is complete.

I am sure I will make changes at some point and maybe our swedish friend is doing just that with new switch and speaker cables. These are system tweaks and not necesarily upgrades. It is good to fiddle and tinker as it makes us happy.

Sometimes with experimentation we come across a new thing which makes system sound better.

At the time, we think it’s a new box uograde. These are small incremental changes and it’s fun!

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Much appreciated
It’s not small tires but more all day tires instead of racing tires (bad metaphore as Ferrari is a racing car) :joy:

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Naca5 has been good for you on 4 occasions. So if they were okay only why did you continue to use them?

I don’t doubt that Super Lumina or Chord or other makes are better but its a case of overall performance in sound system that matters.

Lots going for Kudos speaker cables on here as well.

For me, I am staying put, as there are reasons for that as expressed.

So I hope your speaker cables are an improvement.

With cabling my experience is that something new sounds better as the mind makes it better because of expectations. See how you get on with new cables!

When carrying out tests between NDS and ND555 I used an inferior cable to Super Lumina on NDS. It was a good cable but probably cost £50 versus a £2000 cable on the ND555. These things are very difficult to test objectively!

No, I’ve bought them to evaluate them since many rave about them but never kept them. So had them for a period to evaluate against other cables and then sold them :blush:

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Thanks for explaining. Like I said I just bought two brand new lengths of Naca5 so I won’t be messing around with speaker cables just yet.

I think they work well. I would consider changing them out. But not at the moment so I am no doubt in a position where I don’t want to change anything!


@Geko @Blackbird
Sorry - a nervous fiddler question…:rofl:

I had some maintenance ideas today and followed geko‘s advice and cleaned the balance pot by turning (by hand) left right 20 times.
When I brought it back to its middle position (which is easy even with remote) i thought how much I can trust it’s middle position.

How do you adjust it - with eye (and glasses :nerd_face:) to middle position an the amp?
Switching to mono and listening if speakers have sme volume?

The latter is difficult as my room has some strange acoustics- right speaker has a tiny bit less bass. Thought it was SBL - but with all amp speaker combination the same. :blush: overall it has no effect at all.

Have you any idea how the knobs are fixed on 552. hopefully they are well centered on the axle and can not be pulled out of their adjustment

I just listen and let it be where I find it sound balanced. In my case it is pretty much center but I’ve seen others having it bit off center.

Btw, I have Oephi Immenance and Reference to be sent for testing against my Ascendance cables coming weeks. Reference is their Chord Music competitor.

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Listening and testing is poison for the fiddler :blush::rofl:
Listening with mono switched on?

You know you can adjust balance with the remote?

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Yes I do!
Sitting on the sofa and finding the middle spot via ear is hell :rofl:

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Kari Bremnes mono - Voice in the middle … ready :rofl:

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Never give up - never surrender :rofl: