I did a thing ... 500DR to come

That is how I have done it !
Look :blush:
But it is not so easy to find the correct fan speed - do not want to overcool or initiate large temperature delta
I know…
Pull on the fan and be fine :blush:


Googled for it - out the window could be problematic… but for my well being I really want this thing :blush:

I think you are unlikely to overcool the casing and create some thermal delta leading to something bad. Or at least that was my take. Mine has 3 speeds, usually on no 2.

Having it at speed 1 greatly improves just about everything. It makes the sound much warmer to my ears


you must be kidding … cooling is not leading to warmer sound :wink:
But warmer room temp is.
Today 31 degrees - maybe also inside…
Little fan is coming to its limits. :wink:

Those of you who have 555PS… Can you accidentally connect the burndy cables incorrectly? There are two cables, one labeled red, the other green, which should go into which input? (Don’t even want to try before I know for sure as it’s a loan) @Dan_M, @Richard.Dane ?:thinking:

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They should be labeled I and II


I don’t think they are, only red and green :thinking:
(Original Naim cables)

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They only fir their correct sockets. It won’t connect up if you use the wrong burndy.

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Do you mean that which has 1 red marking should go into input 1 and green which has 2 green markings should go into input 2?


Thank’s Dan :pray:

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Thanks Igel :pray:


Are you sure you have the correct Burndies,is it to connected a NDS or ND555 ?

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Don’t know. These are the cables that fit between 555PS and ND555. I am going to connect 555PS to my 272. Is another burndy needed then?

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Then you need a
S-XPS Burndy


You mean the same cable I use for my XPSDR?:thinking:

The newer ones are red and green - red = 1 marking / green = 2… red = digital / green = analog
@Bjorn please also look into the manual - there you can see the correct plug in’s.
I think input 1 = red / input 2 = green … but please check the manual



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If you have the twin burndy pack, both are braided. One is effectively an S XPS, and the other one isn’t. Use the one similar to S XPS. The other one won’t fit anyhow!

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