I did a thing ... 500DR to come

Yes, you can switch just the 500 off or any piece of gear.
The slow blow fuse is in the 500 by the power cable, in the fuse holder, might even have a spare in there as well if you are lucky

What’s going on @drago ?

Is it hot when you don’t use it? My 500DR runs hot in this weather too. When it’s not running it returns to being cool. I don’t understand what’s going on my friend!

Why not something like that?



But why should the fuse blow?
There is one in every naim box with psu - the gear must be working with turning on and off

I live under the roof - it turns hot when not using - in idle.
It’s really getting warm here.
The 500 is under nd555. The nd555 is heated from underneath… I would like to avoid this.
A cooling fan at the side works magic but I do not know if this is enough when temp. is above 30 degrees

I think they are just joshing you! However, some people do seem to experience issues when restarting Naim kit. It’s to do with the sudden inrush current that can blow the internal fuse. I have a mate that continually blows a fuse on one of his power supplies. I’m also told that 500DR’s are not as brutal on inrush as the older 500’s were, so it should be fine to turn it off.

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Have done it (turning off) lots of times before due to lightning storms…. Or fiddling


I am sure it will be alright. Been fiddling with mine too.

Turn it off if its too hot and worries you my friend.

I turned of my Nap 500 from time to time,no problem.You really should turn it off when there are thunderstorms

My 500 (non DR) never gets anywhere near hot. How warm is your room and 500DR Drago?

Get a laser thermometer :slight_smile:


My Star keeps overheating and going into protection mode. I might do a factory reset. It’s never been fully right after a power surge, it’s was bricked for days then was okay again. Weird.

Fuse in the 500ps, a spare is with the fuse in use, but i bought some stock after a few switch on/off blew a few.

Are all the fuses the same?
Can I use one fuse type for all psu.
In the matter of a blown fuse, can I use the ones inside 135?

Have not measured, but I think the room can go into 30 degrees region.

The sudden current had blown my hose fuse very often (esp big transformer 555ps). All fine after I had the house fuse changed to C type by an electrician

Not sure on that, the 500 ps uses T3.15 amp.

I’ve never had an issue with heat from any Naim component. My tube gear is another story.

Even when London recorded the hottest day in history last summer.

Is your room ventilated?

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How about a portable air conditioner to keep the room cooler. You could vent it out the window.

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Keep it simple. A rechargeable fan thing from ebay. £7? I only fire it up if power amp ( pictured) is getting warm. But can be powered from a usb cable if you want to run 24/7.


Not ventilated