I did a thing ... 500DR to come

I didn’t see much hate for it.

I don’t have Server Mode On and I can see my NAS running both Emby and Minimserver in the Naim app. I thought Server Mode was to allow playing to other Naim streamers in multi-room?

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Thanks for these tips DB. I was finding the FW update a bit ‘testing’ yesterday and was messing around with various ethernet cables and power supplies trying to get some sense of normality (or perhaps familiarity) back in the system. Unfortunately, removal of my beloved Sigma cable was such a retrograde step that I eventually gave up in frustration. However, this morning I thought I’d give your settings a bit of a whirl. Much to my surprise (although not sure ‘why’ I’m surprised) they do seem to get me closer to that more familiar Naim sound but with the positives from the update. Early days yet but definitely going in the right direction, so thanks again.


I’ll look at it again later today as previously when Server Mode was on I had preferred it - then with this Firmware turning it off brought a marked improvement to midband information - more fluid and easy.

But then my Naim App seemed to later reset it back to ‘on’ itself and when I turned it ‘off’ again I lost the Servers tab on the App. But I may have messud-up so I’ll look again later.


I’m coming across some intermittent bugs with this firmware e.g. settings not sticking, and today some weird rapid start/stop behaviour playing a track which required a power cycle to clear it.

In my case I’m probaly not helping things for the Firmware as I have an old iPadMini which I used long-time as a simple remote for the ND555 that is stuck with a grandfathered earlier version Naim App (the one with green on/off lights) - and also I’m running an up to date iPad with the latest Naim App (orange sliders and different expanded menue) at the same time.

Setting in one while the other is running may cause confusions, so I will look into that.

I tried some tests again and with a friend along for a listen.

…Edited - to Say Servers as that is what I tested - rather than ‘Server Mode’ - as corrected by MrFixit! (below)

I think the Servers ‘off’ is a reasonable improvement enough that I would like to have that setting - but as before said it removes the Server option from menue and just lets me play the Album already loaded into the ND555 data cache.
Leaving aside that problem for a moment, the sound become more natural and open in midband with better depth - and with Servers ‘on’ it sounds a bit less natural and a bit flatter.
These are all relative - these are small changes that may seem more important to some people and not worth teh bother to others.

If I decide to use Servers Off then it a bit like playing Vinyl again!
Select album Servers on and ‘load’ it into the ND555 - press Servers to ‘off’ - then play and repeat for next album.

This is OK for favorite albums (and listening in album-mode) and the difference here enough that I would probably just do that - but for normal track-hopping I would not bother with this ritual. The performance is good enough without needing to do this but one I’ve heard what extra can be had then I’ll probably be tempted to have that and turn off Servers once my music is loaded-up into the Streamer.

This is just what I found for information and interest.


Very strange that for you the Server menu disappears with Server Mode set off. It doesn’t for me (NSC 222).

Edit: I think understand what you are changing now. Server Mode is a different setting to Servers (on the Input Settings menu).

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Yes - I got confused with it.

… I now corrected my above post to avoid spreading more confusion.

I’m presently running Server Mode ‘off’ and Servers is what I tested above - so probably something people do not want to know! :see_no_evil: Possibly I did not want to know this - but now I do :bear:


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I re-did my listening tests to properly distinguish what ‘Server Mode’ (in other settings on App) and ‘Servers’ (in inputs settings on App) does - sorry for the previous confusion - I was confused! :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

I prefer:
Server Mode : on
Servers: off (but awkward to use like this)


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also went to on again

I’ll have to try that, as I mainly steam from Tidal.

The Servers ‘off’ gives a more fluid representation of subtle details, interplay and emphasis - whereas with it ‘on’ is a bit more focussed and crisp.

I think there will be instances I would prefer either option a bit over the other - but again these are very small differences.

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My present settings preference.

With this Firmware release I have no problem with the bass being more powerful and better-defined as that was the same upgrade effect I had from going from 552 to S1 pre and having to make some changes in my system to clean-up the bass; in my case it was keeping power amp mains transformers farther apart to remove the over-full bloom I was initially getting.

It is the top-end where I still have heard other versions do the extreme HF in a more gentle open way.


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Are you sure to be a dark bear, not a dark bat?
A bat can hear ultra sounds to 212 000 hertz.

I’m an old Bear that should not be hearing extreme HF - but I seem to hear it well-enough for my pleasure. :wink:

My view on the Firmware HF has varied day to day to an extent as if there is run-in so for now I will see where it finally ends-up after it has been running for a couple of weeks.

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You are a humble bear. Are you still teaching Tai Chi ?

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No - I was an Instructor for 30 years but stepped-back some ten years ago as the admin-side got too intrusive - so I just do my own Tia Chi. I don’t do as much as I did once but go for quality over quantity thesedays - and it does help things.


Now look this thread must be shut down because I’m on a challenge from @Polarbear that I won’t have a 500 before year out :see_no_evil:

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Just give in………and have a happy christmas……much loved on the forum.