Iconic album covers. What’s your favourite?

Yeah, I should have nominated that, as I have an original Thorgerson silkscreen print hanging. Well, I say hanging, but it’s still in the tube after 3 years.

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Terry Callier. What colour is Love.


…and Fifty Foot Hose. Cauldron.


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Resisted reading it since I bought it 7th September. That’s will power. You were right though, great book for Christmas. Graham :christmas_tree:


Are they still releasing it with that photo?
I do hope not!

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Not sure I think there was a Deluxe release in 2001 but as for the cover…
The CD version from Japan still the same as above!

I have the original so won’t be buying it! If anybody has an issue with it, just report it to the mods. I m sure @Richard.Dane would have banned it by now. But then again maybe he’s probably not that narrow minded!


I don’t object to the posting of it here particularly.I’m just amazed that it’s still published like that…

Here’s a quote from the model. Apparently she was promised a horse as well:

In 1994, more than a quarter of a century after her one-off photo shoot, a 36 years old Mariora Goschen said in an interview: “The nudity didn’t bother me. I hardly noticed I had breasts. Life was far too hectic. I was mad about animals and much taken up with family and friends. But now, when people tell me they can remember what they were doing when they first saw the cover, and the effect it had on them, I’m thrilled to bits.” She added, “By the way, I’m still waiting for Eric Clapton to ring me about the horse.”

I’ve already flagged it, you can expect wazas to smash through your door at any moment make sure that vicious dog of yours is restrained.


I’m going to flag @anon10403888 for blatantly promoting an online retailer. I have been told that I would be boiled in oil if I deviated from saying “the big river “

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Good for you he’s continuously flaunt the rules that good folk like you and me obey.

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Some of them want to…


I hope its still available as an example of the stupidity. Hiding stuff away makes things worse. We need progress by looking at history, not hiding it.


Interestingly enough, the original album cover is still used by Spotify. Ironically, both versions are available for download on Qobuz, but the sanitised version is twice the price!
I still own, and play, the original version. I have never thought the cover was attractive or tasteful, but I don’t feel the need to burn it.


Beastie Boys Licensed To Ill:



I find it incredibly hard to believe it seems acceptable to post this image and an image of some cannabis was removed a couple of days ago due to it being an illegal drug. Surely an image of a topless 11 year old girl is actually illegal.


Context is important here; the Cannabis post (and image) was removed as the post was condoning and encouraging its use/consumption. Possession of Cannabis is illegal in the UK and many other countries and the Naim forum will not be host to encouraging illegal activity.

If it had just been a picture of cannabis (perhaps on an album cover?), then that would not have been removed unless the attendant post had also been condoning or encouraging members here to partake.

Apart from that, it’s important to understand that we are just beginning to see some of the very damaging mental health side-effects that come from habitual cannabis use, particularly from the modified varieties that are commonly available illegally in the UK.


It’s a sensitive area. When is it art and when is it exploitation. Some might say the cover of Led Zeppelin V is not right. Here’s a link to an editorial about the controversial photographs of Sally Mann:

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