Iconic album covers. What’s your favourite?

An ex-friend of mine spent some time in prison for having child pornography on his computer, his defense was that it was research for his art. Exploitation of any sort should be abhorrent whether it be man woman or child, claiming it to be “art” does not in any way justify the incredible damage it does to the victims.
The facts and fables surrounding cannabis use could fill a set of old encyclopedias but the “modified cannabis” is not actually cannabis it is synthetic, plant material that has been sprayed with a cocktail of chemicals and has caused several deaths here in New Zealand.

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Context is important here, too. I think that, despite any hindsight views, the band probably wanted to make a controversial statement, always helps with sales.

Come on. They put a photo of a naked 11 year old girl on the album to increase sales and gave her £40. That doesn’t make it iconic, that makes it revolting.

Edited because I hit the post button by accident while tapping it out.

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I am not defending it and didn’t post it as an iconic cover, so don’t have a dig at me. If you really want to have a rant take a look at Virgin Killers by the Scorpions. That one is exploitation of the worse kind!


Apologies, I didn’t mean to imply that my post was aimed at you. I just hit reply. It wasn’t aimed at anyone in particular.

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Yes, the VK cover is appalling. Completely despicable.

And why is this thread still going? Let’s be honest, few of the covers posted here are anything special.


I started the iconic album covers thread and we have had some very good suggestions. We’ve also had one or two good laughs along the way but I agree with @bhoyo it’s run it’s course and time to call time.
Thanks to everybody for their contributions.:christmas_tree:


I bought this one partly for the cover and partly for the pay no more than 3.99 sticker (in about 1989). Loved the band ever since

I don’t think the majority of the human race would accept child porn as a sensitive area, rather a heinous crime!

This iconic album thread @Boddah was started as a lighthearted view of the covers that mean so much to us. I fully understand your views and maybe you would consider starting a thread where this serious issue could be explored.

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Thank you @Torris . Your likes suggest this thread had its moments

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You are of course 100% right and apologies for getting on my “High Horse” so to perhaps lighten my mood I shall listen to some of this


In my early teens, this was my favourite album cover, it really captured my imagination, as did some of the tracks which I still enjoy today. For me it was iconic.

For others…?


Not my favourite album, not my favourite cover, but certainly one of my most interesting ones!

The question though…do you have it? Apologies if this was already posted by the way…

The Promise - John McLaughlin

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Got it somewhere. I don’t recall the music, tbh… I spent a while defocusing on the cover, I think.

Defocusing right now too!

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I’m almost giggling at the thought of all cross eyed Naim forum members at the moment.

Super cover, very Elric/ Corum/ Hawkmoon shows why LP covers could be works of art.

Thanks for sharing

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Welcome :+1:

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‘Am I Evil” is a bit of a classic indeed.


Although I can see the multiple layers in the image, I cannot be sure what it is meant to be, although it might say “You’ve got it”.


You have!