Importance of Streaming Transport Quality?


No,.unfortunately, but that streamer called “Källa” should be really good.
A friend is a dealer of Lejonklou’s products in Sweden,.so when I get time I will listen to it.
My friend lives 300 km south of me,.so I haven’t had time to listen to it yet.


A Mac Mini is of course only the store and computer hosting software. Different software doing the rendering (making it into a transport), may sound different, especially where some software might use the computer’s sound processing and sound output circuits and another not. Then the DAC makes the largest difference if all - and some more affected by the transport quality than others, so the fact that you use something better now than how Mac Mini performed when you used it, possibly differently from my use, and possibly with very a different DAC tells me nothing about how much better - or not - your source sounds compared to mine.

Anyway, clearly your beliefs and experiences are very different from mine, and that is the strength of this forum - different views and experiences for people to pick and learn from, or just enjoy reading.

I’ve never really understood the flat/round Earth analogy: I presume my being round Earth means I’m rooted in reality …which is just how I try to be! The idea that it is delightful listening with a wonderful source but a speaker constricting or even colouring/distorting is puzzling in the extreme to me, and I can’t see how it can truly be satisfying. But clearly you like it, and get enjoyment from your endless changes and tweaks trying to improve it to make it sound better. I have a tip to offer, which you’ll reject but hey ho that’s life: try to find some really good speakers that make your music sing better than ever. :slightly_smiling_face:

I like Källa, it would be my choice I were to get another streamer. I have his phono pre-amp Entity 1.1, and it performs (when combined with a well setup LP12) well beyond my expectation.

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Which steamer do you use?

Hi :slightly_smiling_face:

Oh My God,.as we say in Sweden…“it’s like pouring water on a goose”

It’s like we’re writing to each other for the first time,.which we don’t.
You should remember my described experience,.through all the years we wrote to each other here, if not, I can say that I “have had the opportunity to have access to the so-called best available in high-end hifi”.

Am I better than others because of that,.absolutely not…!!
BUT,.I have gained a lot of experience which I try to share with others.
So @Innocent_Bystander with all due respect,.you don’t need to advise me on getting “better speakers” :grin:.

Hi :slightly_smiling_face:
Entity is ridiculously good,.congrats on it.
More people here should have the opportunity to listen to it.
And “Källa” is definitely an exciting product,.maybe something for @Innocent_Bystander who still “only” have a Mac Mini :grin:.

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I have already asked before….no way.

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The Kallia is a streamer with dac. Better would be to let him try the Innuos Pulsar, the Grimm MU1, Antipodes G4 or Taiko Extreme.

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Ah innuos statement :+1:

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:heart: Now we’re talking for real :+1:

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Taiko’s products are incredibly good in the right context.

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Good option for @Innocent_Bystander, but I gather from his earlier posts that he only listened to his local library which he ripped from his CDs, never streaming.

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Innuos is on the list to try when when my Mac Mini reaches end of life, but unless I win the lottery it wouldn’t be Statement.

We don’t know Peder’s DAC, nor his speakers, so we don’t know what his system sounds like.

Source first is not an exhortation to spend out of proportion on the source and stay there.

Not the be-all, not the start-all, or end-all.

Source first is a chronological recommendation - that if you have Naim system and only have the budget temporarily to upgrade one thing, start at the source end and do that first, mutatis mutandis.

But the goal remains a balanced system.



All the levels I tried,.from Zen mk3 and up are good, they deliver music not sound,think Tune-Dem :wink:
IF,.you install and optimize them correctly.

When I first got my Zen mk3 I didn’t like it and thought about switching after a week or so,.but I put time and experience into optimizing the setup,and after that it played great.
Regarding the other thing you wrote :flushed:,.you have to be kidding. I won’t spend the time and energy to even respond to it.

It is about streaming transport/source first etc. the thread is about
If you think you can hypothetically speculate about what a different system sounds like in a different environment…
IF,.you know the components involved, then I really start to wonder
Enough Said…

Hi @JimDog :slightly_smiling_face:

Exactly,.every sane thinking person should understand that…

Common sense says that synergy must be sought when building and upgrading a music-system.
BUT,.everything starts from the source, common sense also says that,and everyone should understand that in 2024.

:small_orange_diamond:As example:
My headphone-system is incredibly carefully selected and installed and optimized.
It plays amazingly well…!!

BUT,.I don’t have Hifiman’s best headphones Susvara, instead their second best HE 1000SE.
Still,.contrary to @Innocent_Bystander philosophy regarding music-system construction, my headphone-system plays significantly better than a friend’s who has Hifiman’s best headphones Susvara.

The reason is that I have a significantly better source,.which is optimally installed with the “right” infrastructure.
Otherwise,.we have similar products in the headphone-system, except that he has better headphones than me.

This contradicts Innocent_Bystander’s strange (and outdated) view,.that the speaker should be the most important thing in a music-system build.
SO,.we are talking about here,.that it delivers a greater musical experience, not a sound experience…

Now it’s time for morning coffee and sandwiches :grin:.

Actually I think the speaker and room matching is the most important component in the chain… without that you are pouring performance down the drain. I think the old school source first theory is somewhat outdated now, and from some accounts was a marketing rouse from a few decades ago. Fortunately I think many have now moved on, but it persists in pockets…
Clearly a system should be in balance, but start with speakers, then source and then amp followed by ancillaries. Typically I suggest the speakers are the weakest link in the chain anyway, not least because of the compromises and playoffs in designs… so downplaying it yet further just seems foolhardy to me and likely destined to frustration.
My current friends and associates in the sound audio industry tend to agree with me here too… note this is the audio industry as opposed to consumer hifi retailing industry.

When I coach new people interested in home hifi I absolutely stress the importance of room/speaker matching and positioning first … the electronics is the easier bit.
I have heard so many über systems completely let down by poor speaker matching I find it sad.


The HoloAudio Red and Primare NP5 both beat the WiiM Pro, both on technical test and in most sound comparisons.

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We also believe that speaker / room / person interactions are one of the most unpredictable of all aspects (OK, along with digital cables!): the results from most of the others components are much more closely related to the results one would expect from the engineering / audio optimisations.

In fact early in our journey we bought the Spendor SP2s, then designed an amp to correctly interface early CD players (with their problem of ultrasonic spurii) to thos specific speakers… It worked really well.

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Hi :slightly_smiling_face:
Whaoo,.yes, if there is anyone who has an outdated view of the hierarchy of a music-system, I note that it is you.

AND,.your referring to your friends in the “audio industry” to lend weight to your statement is completely irrelevant.
It is completely meaningless in the context,.in the same way that you write a lot of protocol numbers in the dialogue with @Blackmorec
It says nothing about how it plays practically in the end.
In contrast,.Blackmorec’s more concrete advice on how to upgrade the “back-end” can be used to draw conclusions.

What you are talking about is more about music-system installation…
WHICH,.for a new music-system in a room usually takes about a year to achieve optimally.
Speaker placement vs room environment and acoustic conditions require time…
BUT,.has nothing to do with the hierarchy of a music-system.

I,.and other music-system installation knowledgeable can demonstrate this for you at any time,if you pay for a visit.
BUT,.if I was so “crazy” as to listen to what you write…
Then I could take and exchange my top-spec LP12 for the Linn Axis that is in my storage (see picture) :grin:.

It has just been recapped by Sweden’s Linn expert in the field (a friend),.and with a few of his special tricks it plays better than when it was new.
BUT,.I don’t think that will happen, my top-spec LP12 has its given place as “Source First” in my system.

I have of course tested my newly recapped Linn Axis in my big system,.it plays well, but far from what my LP12 plays in the same system.
:heart: Source First rules,.regardless of what you think or write Simon.

Now I’m going out to mow the lawn, have a nice Saturday.