Incompatible Music Tastes In the Home

I often think it’s a bit like tastes in TV Shows - I cannot abide all the soaps and re-runs of Murder She Wrote that are constantly on!

Let it go, let it go…must say I’m speechless.

My daughter (14) has proven so flexible/eclectic in her musical taste. Of her own volition she likes Sammy Davis, the Beatles, Einaudi, Beach House, Don Maclean and yes a little Ariana Grande. And ‘No Tears left to Cry’ does give good bass, so I’m not judging. The only person in the house ever to say ‘Dad, can I copy some things off your playlist?’


Hilarious. My wife has issues too with songs that have a guitarist playing rock chords, but she would never classify the Eagles as thrash metal. She does however have issues with (early) Kate Bush, which is not uncommon amongst our friends. In the same league: Sarah McLachlan’s " Fear" and Anna Reid reaching her upper registers.

Looking back, I realize that our lack in overlapping musical taste has held me back in starting my Hifi journey - well, plus not having an appartment that wasn’t big enough to have room for a mancave until 2 years ago. For years I focused on car stereo and headphones, because that was the only place I could play music for more than 10 minutes without complaints from my beloved.

Our only structural overlaps -when we first met- were Prince and Crowded House. Sometimes there is a funny situation: She hates Depeche Mode, except for one song: I just can’t get enough. Which is my least favorite. I since developed a theory that she cannot stand songs written in minor key, because DM may have written just a couple in major key, the aforementioned one being one.

Every male singer bordering on melancholy (or god forbid, gloom) is characterized structurally as having a ‘whining voice’. No exceptions. Well maybe two. She can handle Dave Matthews, but finds the music too complex. She loves Paul Weller, but only his Style Council days. I have accepted that she needs music to sound happy, unless it’s soul music.

Where I get lost is on her cheap poppy taste. Example: her favorite 2003 song was Lumidee with ‘Uh Oh’. Now that’s pure sonic terror to my ears.


To be honest, Mrs. FZ’s sensibilities changed massively after having kids.

Prior to kids, we’d share an office and I’d have Twisted Sister on and no complaints. Her favourite movie of all time was “Machete” and favourite actor Danny Trejo. We used to watch TV and listen to music together every weekend.

Then the first kid arrived and suddenly it is like the Mary Whitehouse chip has been implanted in her brain. Any music with a slight edge or any television with dark humour sets her off. Most things are now deemed offensive. It is all easy listening and J-POP and Korean soap operas now. TV and music time = alone time.

I like to keep the peace and ensure everyone is happy if possible. If I’m in the room while her drama or music is on, I make an effort to keep comments to myself and not roll my eyes. In return I get the living room to myself a couple nights a week.

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LOL. Missus PB just checked whether the door to my cave was closed tight as I was playing Genghis Khan by Miike Snow just a little above modest SPL :slight_smile:

Try this… :wink:



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