Innuos 2.0 - Innsights

I’ll be interested in what others think as 2.0 has more uptake.

I asked about what 2.0 is being compared to because I am running two identical Zeniths side by side, one with 1.4.9 and ipeng and the other with 2.0 and the Innuos Sense app. It is therefore very easy for me to go between each and compare sound quality. In my own mind and after extensive listening over about three weeks I cannot say that 2.0 is better SQ than 1.4.9 / ipeng but for sure it is a more grown up and satisfying interface. (This is using both Zeniths with a PhoenixUSB and taking the USB direct into both Dave and Mscaler and also taking the signal through a USB to BNC convertor. No matter which, my conclusions are the same.)

I am clear though that 1.4.9 and 2.0 are far ahead of Roon (even Roon in Experimental Mode) for sound quality.


To add another view, and after more extended listen I would concur that 2.0 a definite improvement SQ wise over Roon experimental using USB via pheonix into DAVE.


Slowly compiling a list of bugs and reporting them.

  • Saving meta data changes on any album with more than 2 discs leaves the app with a spinning circle. You have to restart.

  • the server decided to update the library randomly for no obvious reason having done an initial rebuild on install yesterday. Still doing it now.

  • bit of an odd one but pre 2.0.4 I had 8 Go-Betweens albums split into 2 separate artist groups for no obvious reason. Couldn’t solve it. 2.0.4 showed the same split but also explained why. 2 different artists from different eras and continents called The Go-Betweens. No spelling error on my part. The database somehow picked up both artists and chose to distribute the albums of the 1 artist between the 2.

  • When you start to type the artist name to fix this 2 groups show up. When you select 1 and save it you would expect that, if you selected the wrong group as I did, you could fix this by wiping Artist Name; typing again and this time picking up the other instance. Nope, the only instance now in the list is the wrong 1 you’ve already selected. So, my 8 Australian albums are currently attached to an American group and there’s no obvious fix.

Made a couple of suggestions too:

  • allow bulk edit of some meta data.
  • allow deletion of unused Genres.

I could be mightily irritated by some of the above but the sound…

Let me know when it’s available for the Mini Mkiii would you? :0)
Looks like an interesting product to replace my budget streamer

They have released the dates for the other servers in this week’s update

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More SQ observations: two months ago I bought a subwoofer and it’s taken weeks of faffing (crossover, positioning, orientation, gain) to get it sounding just right.

Along comes 2.0 and a few days in, though I’m revelling in it’s sonic wonders, I’m now aware I have to re-tweak the sub.

Ah, more tinkering. . . could take a while yet. . .

Next Wednesday for MK2 Zenith and Zenith SE owners!

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Lazy question from me - do any naimees on the forum have any target dates from Innuos for the implementation of ethernet functionality with innsights & naim boxes?


They haven’t mentioned a date as that would be suicide at this point. Soon is all they have said. Take that with a grain of salt though. My guess it will arrive when it will arrive. They are busy will this rollout and that will take them some time to get it fully stable and fix the inevitable bugs user will find. Making it a viable UPnP controller is not easy and will be full of fun issues to rule out due to the non standards of UPnP implementation. I imagine Naim and Linn will be on the top list of vendors they want it to work with though. Be patient this stuff is not as simple as you might think. Even apps that do this already have their issues and they have been doing it for many years.

Crazy the Zenith MK SE still sits just under the Statement in terms of SQ, that was according to Innuos.

Hi chris any news regarding how to go back to roon, with the upnpbrige and lan. Even if 2.0.4 is working, its not stabil and skip tracks from time to time. innuos support, states sense do not support lan. So concidering going back to roon, but how ??

Decision not made in sound quality but numbers out in the wild.

Hmm so that must mean the Zenith M3 has not sold more than 100 units …given the Zenith MK2 SE was a limited 100 run.

Not necessarily. Statement first as the smallest user base. Zenith 3 as the next smallest and then the 2 range plus SE combined etc. Numbers rise with each rollout.

To be fair it says mostly about numbers. I wonder though if they are also prioritising the newer versions too

Hi Kim
No, problem still unresolved unfortunately.
Innuos Support tell me there is a problem with Experimental Mode but haven’t offered up how long a solution might take yet.

So my default playback of Roon via the UPnP Bridge is currently not possible.
I have tried using the Innuos app and UPnP Bridge to stream via my NDS, but unfortunately this is not stable and is glitchy.
So I am using the Zenith, with UPnP switched on via the Innuos App, but using the Naim app to control the music - this works fine but with an NDS not using Roon I of course do not have Qobuz and the functionality feels quite basic. But at least I have some sounds!

When I hear more Kim I will post back here.

So the new update is not supporting upnpbrige, making is unstable using sense, and has “spoiled” the using of roon, that was okay begore, setting you back to use the naim app, hmmmm

Yes, that’s correct.
Its not ideal, but I have music, the Naim app is very good these days, and I know the Innuos team will be doing all they can to get a fix prepared, they are a very responsive bunch.
There is worse things for sure.

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Yes, as often said here, they really are. I had an issue with 2.0 that was rectified quickly by Nuno and co.