Innuos 2.0 - Innsights

That sounded a bit odd to me, I know it takes less than a minute to move a downloaded cd from my computer to the Zenith, so I thought I would try the reverse.
It took 32 seconds to copy Amy Winehouse’s Back to Black, from the Zenith to the computer.

I attached one of my existing backups - a portable HDD - to my home PC. Plugged in the USB stick to the same computer and dragged and dropped. Inevitably tediously slow.

Ideally I want or see the albums on the Innuos on the PC and just copy/drag from there but it doesn’t seem possible. A tad frustrating as it would be wonderful to have everything in the car.

We could of course simply abandon the stick and plug in one of the HDDs but I’m a tad wary if it being bashed about.

Would welcome views on other ways to do this. Will ask Innuos tonight too.

If your zenith is on the same network as your PC you should be able to just plug the USB drive into the pc, open the zenith folder and drag and copy direct to the usb drive.ovee the network. I’ve just tested it and it worked fine over my network


Well it is but it wasn’t immediately obvious. I would have assumed that the auto-import folder, which I can see, would have sat within a top level Innuos folder and that, within the latter, I’d find the usual music folders. Currently can’t.


Apologies if I have misunderstood what you have tried so far but the music you are looking for is in the music folder of the Zen - at least on my Mini. When I click on my Zen via my PC I can see three folders - Auto import, Music, Unsorted.

There are a number of folders within “Music” - CD quality, Hi res etc and others that you named via auto import - the CD quality folder contains all the CD rips in alpha order and it should be just a matter of dragging the one/s you want to the USB drive attached to the PC. Likewise for the other folders.


Nope, you’ve not misunderstood. The issue is that I can see auto-import but not the others.

I was wondering how this deals with the same albun you have in your own local library and have in Qobuz. I have replicated many of my own CDs in Qobuz so I can have then easily on the go. Will it group them together so it’s one album or show multiples of it. I like how Roon has the concept of versions for albums so you can either have different release versions show as seperate albums or you can group them all together and choose which one is the preferred on to play. Also if you have like me you have a local version and in Qobuz it will only show one album but the Qobuz one is availabke under versions for that album and I can set which one to use as the primary. Handy if you have a cd version and Qobuz has a hires version of the same release. Makes things neat. I imagine Innuos 2.0 doesnt go this deep and you will see the album twice or more dependant on what versions you have.

The images so far seem to suggest one image and multiple versions as best I recall. So, a win for you?

Doesnt really show anything I am describing. I see one image that depicts John Coltrane and shows a few albums that look to have different release versions in Qobuz but nothing that shows you can have different versions of the same release grouped as one, which is how Roon works. You can also group all versions of an album under one as well handy when they are multiple versions of it over the years. It’s one thing that makes Roons integration more than just showing streaming stuff with your own stuff.

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Without going onto detail I may have seen a different image to you.

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Be interested to see if it’s similar.

Just learnt that 2 will have the ability to back up to a USB stick.

Currently watching 1973 albums crawl from the Zenith to a 1TB USB stick Mrs. H. wants to use in the car. Best guess is that it’s going to take 5 days :slight_smile:

Nothing terrible going on but I got the Zenith going with a cheap wireless bridge. 50 foot of Ethernet cable is on my long list of things to do but this is the price I pay in the meantime.

Another Innsights blog is now available. This one covers navigating your music library, as well as answering questions from last week.

Again, I like what I see.


Yeah it’s getting painful to wait each week though :confused:

Agree, I use Roon, quite low level, this would do me.

Ditto, just want to see how they handle playlists but it’s looking really good so far

Oops just realised you meant latest posted.

Not sure why Innuos are trying to be all things to all, when they have their own preferred method via USB, not Roon, no uPnp, just the best possible maxed out SQ.

Off to read it now. Aaaand… wow.

Significant contrast here. I’m sure a few Naim beta testers have some insight into the road map but compare and contrast. Here is Nuno saying this is what we’re planning; this is what it looks like; this is what we’re doing from the off; this is what’s coming later and why.

Puts things into perspective really.

Latest one covers playlists. Of no use to me but Mrs. H. already a fab of the idea you can create a playlist and export that to the car on a USB stick.

In the meantime I’ve been trying to get the Zenith alarm to work. I can get it to turn the server on but then it tells me there is nothing playing when either I left something playing or queued a playlist. Very frustrating. Any clues on the step by step?