Innuos Statement Next Generation Power Supply

Great update thanks.

What mode are you running the Statement in? (i.e.: the uPNP server that comes with SenseOS, or Roon? And if the former, are you using the Naim or Innuos app)?

Yes. Basically everything going through the PhoenixNet

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I haven’t tried these out since the Next Gen PSU upgrade, but previously it sounded best using the Innuos Sense app.

Hi all,
Just got caught up with this thread and would like to say that Michaelb’s description of the sonics of the Statement NG upgrade and PhoenixNET very much matches what I heard.

To the person who asked about upgrading a combination Zenith, PhoenixNET and USB to a Statement, the PhoenixNET on the input to the Statement has a significant effect that I thought worth the cost. A PhoenixUSB on the DAC USB output of the Statement is more or less a duplication of the Statement’s output, but without a non-Next Gen power supply so really doesn’t bring a lot. So regarding the upgrade, sell the Zenith and the PhoenixUSB and keep the PhoenixNET would be my advice.


My Statement has finally gone off to Portugal for the PSU upgrade. Having withdrawal symptoms already but hopefully won’t be too long!


Let us know what your impressions are once it comes back and is burnt in.


Turnaround was pretty fast for mine - around 10 days to 2 weeks if my memory serves me (which it often doesn’t).



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