Innuos Statement vs Melco N10 is same as ( or they are differents places?


Who is considered better for HD

There’s no difference between all the sites. All sound the same , if the resolution is the same.

I do not mean in technical terms, but how much do they care to create a main HD from a good master source? there can be a huge different

Perhaps you could open a thread on that, but my experience tells me I don’t see differences between a 24/96 album on Qobuz, Hirezaudio or HDTRACKS for a same album.
However I buy only new albums that are produced, which may explain.
If you buy an album from the 70’s or 80’s, maybe the download is made from different mastering. So you could see differences in sound.

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That`s the point.HD is always better on new albums…but taking music from 60s-70s most i like …not always sound good as the original 16/44 some of them yes and few of them sound bad

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I doubt it is the file/streaming provider (Qobuz, Hiresaudio etc) that is producing the HD file, rather it will be the record label, so the choice of seller/streaming service should be irrelevant. Coice therefore surely is on catalogue, cost, stability etc?

I have not that problem, but understand you. For 70’s or 80’s albums I buy only vinyl. Quite never sound bad.

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