Insane new pricing in Australia

Actually I’m not depressed about the situation really, more totally pi**ed off

I feel for the dealers

Why can’t Naim supply directly to a network of dealers here and NZ. Get rid of the middle man who generally add nothing but cost.

Assuming no-one is making a loss, then a 10K product discounted 40% sells for $6K without a loss. So, the margin is $4K on $6K, or 65%. Which seems a lot….

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Well yes - maybe watch this space ( nudge nudge)

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In the small print they say they reserve the right to cancel orders they cannot supply. Similar to a Utopia sale at Adorama recently.

It does give away an estimate of the markup margin. But i don’t think that’s a closely guarded secret. Interesting some have higher discounts than others.

Screaming bargains. They are literally new in box.

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I would guess that Naim have given this distributor some timing on when they must stop selling Naim, and another distributor takes over. So having bought the stock they probably have no choice but to have a fire sale or lose even more in the absence of being able to transfer stock to the new distributor.
Either way Naim have not handled this well.


They own the dealer I guess so normally that 40% would be split I suppose. Minus any discount given to us…

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Stop it! I’m doing my best not to succumb!!!

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I doubt this stock is owned by Naim. The dealer has previously bought the stock and is now desperate to offload it. Price will reflect this rather than any normal discount/mark up.

Totally agree bruss

A greedy distributor who has been caught carrying the baby

The damage that has been done is staggering


If you are looking to buy, now is the time though.

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I would expect Naim have said nothing because there is now nothing to say. The facts are documented in the trades. It really boils down to three things, all public knowledge:

  • Naim parted ways with their distributor in ANZ.
  • The distributor, who sells mostly through a specific chain, is dumping stock.
  • If Naim don’t find a new distributor (which they’ve tried and apparently not been able to seal a deal) then Naim will cease being sold in the ANZ region.

The last point is the only one not a matter of record but anyone can put two and two together and work that out. Hence, what is there for them to say?


Will the FPBN stores remain?

I guess the most disappointing thing is the previous distributor predicted this. Which only highlights how well they knew the market.


The other possibility is an Asia Pacific distributor eg. Singapore might handle things.

All speculation.

I’m thinking the Singaporean distributor may have told Vervent to stick it up their Jacksi as they say

They may have been horsed around also


What a total balls up. Imagine trying to resurrect the two brands after this. Sad.

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Well, deals can be done in NZ and I sort of made a move for a ND555. But, I’m having second thoughts and have put in on “pause” for a day and fell bad for mucking the dealer around and are now completely conflicted on what to do. Dam it all.


Or this (Re the NZ/Aus situation):


And, yes, I know only I can decide….

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Have you heard the ND555 Mike ?

@Mike_S Do you know if are the Australian dealers able to export to NZ? I note their prices are cheaper than here.