Insane new pricing in Australia

Going going gone :man_shrugging: it will take a very brave man/woman to represent the brand in the Southern Hemisphere now :see_no_evil: good god, messy messy messy.



Yep if we thought Busisoft/addicted butchered the naim brand down under before , they have stuck a further big nail in with these shall I say “disgusting” fire sale prices

Not good at all , pretty sad really for all the dealers out there trying to make a living

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Think their pricing has returned to normal or what it probably should’ve have been before they increased the prices a few ago. The damage has already been done however. But what worry’s me most is it’s been months and Naim have said nothing. I would have thought that they would welcome the opportunity to add a did of confidence to their customers.

These prices are not normal Pete at all

It’s the parent company in France that should be held accountable allowing this to happen

Vervent Audio Group ( parent company of focal/naim) may have decided to abandon Australia/ NZ market

I must admit to being tempted by a 2nd 555PS and a Core, but what happens when the ‘1 year warranty’ expires…?

Well I guess the situation is what it is, for whatever reasons. The immediate benefit is for those wanting to grab a real bargain, albeit with a little risk around warranties with the distributer changing. I’d hope that the second hand market will still hold up reasonably well in the long term, though shifting a current product that is on sale might be more difficult in the short term.

It does look like ATA have been caught here with having to hold so much stock, which they presumably had to buy. When N&A were the distributers, pretty much most of the classic range had to be ordered on request. But ATA seem to have the whole range held in local stock, so with a fire clearance, it’s a big win for the consumer. And a pretty band outcome for Naim, or the equity owners more likely.

Mike they agreed it’s their fault and that’s the problem and why N&A lost the distribution.

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Sorry you’re right (god I hate admitting that) last time I looked a few weeks ago things had settled down now it looks like a fire sale. Even the new stuff is discounted, wtf are they doing.

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Yes, that’s the biggest surprise, these are products that have only been out for a few months…

That’s a $5k discount imagine if you paid full price a few weeks ago. I would if other dealers are able to offer the same discounts.

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They are clearing at near or at cost. They’re no longer the authorised distributor so consider all products “grey”

That said, Australian consumer law would have to be cited and a bit of a debate had … A2A nationally have said on record they will only support 1 year warranty. And would have to be taken to task if there was a warranty issue after that. They’d almost certainly have to support you from a legislative perspective but it’s the effort of enforcing it that may be challenging.

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It’s a mess.

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How do you mean? Effectively second hand, albeit new? Pricing is around 60% of normal retail, so pretty close to the historic second hand pricing of Naim gear that isn’t too old and in excellent condition.

Channel news had a report on this back in june 23 if you search.

Distributor debts and stock holding disputes, change of ownership etc.

The problem is Naim have said nothing to date. You really can’t buy with any real confidence knowing there maybe no support from mothership.

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Its interesting that they say the older gear is available ‘in-store’ but the new stuff is add to cart…?

Can’t blame Naim , it’s the parent company that should get their sh*t together and advise what the hell is going on if anything

Very embarrassing if you ask me , I’m somewhat depressed about it all considering being a naimee for 35 plus years

Does that infer they make 40% profit on this gear?

Guess on a I don’t give a flying fck attitude it’s a pity they didn’t get stock of the new 300 stuff before all this happened. I might have considered a jump at those kind of discounts. :grin:

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