Insane new pricing in Australia

Ironically, the thread started by complaining that the new pricing was too high, and now we at the point of complaining that 40% discounts are on offer for everything. I know there’s more to it than that, but it’s ironic all the same.


I was thinking exactly the same… quite funny really.

I’m just annoyed that I’m not in a position to take advantage of any of it.

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I’m seriously now thinking of emigrating from the UK. will Australia have me?


Depends, who will you support in Aus v England.

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Depends on who is going to win

If you support UK over Australia, you might still get by in NZ. We love the southern rivalry down here, especially in sports…and yet when we find ourselves together in the UK, it sometimes seems we actually have more things in common and enjoy a drink together. It’s a funny old world.


Sorry Pete, that reply should have been on badger1963’s post.

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That’s true there’s a common bond and a big rivalry. It’s a conundrum.

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People are people. We all share the same fears hopes and ambitions. A chat over a beer usually shows we are all basically the same despite our funny accents. :beer:

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I only stumbled across the discounts yesterday and put the discount as a one-off opportunity to purchase an ND 5XS 2. I floated this proposal past my dear wife and received a firm “NO!”.

I replied, “It might be cheaper to purchase LPs and CDs in the long run.”

I read a recent thread about MOFI 1 Step releases, particularly about the 40th Anniversary album of Michael Jackson’s “Thriller.” I hope that after a couple of MOFI purchases, that will take a couple of months to save for. My dear wife will come across to my way of thinking.

Then, I wish I had taken my dealer’s recommendation on an nDAC. Though I had no idea what that was and was still recovering from spending $10k AUD on a CD XS5, Nait XS2, and an FC over a couple of years.

So four full months since Busisoft lost the brands. Their scorch and burn exit makes it near impossible to find a new distributor I guess and not a peep from French HQ. What a shambles.


There is no need to: gear bought at higher prices than the current sale will still sound the same, and anyone who bought was happy to spend their money and presumably thought they were getting acceptable value for money - and if they want they can buy other things at even better value for money. Hifi is not a financial investment, and we don’t lose out if the price drops. Fretting over discovery that there could have been better bargains to be had if they had waited falls into the same camp as all “what ifs” in life!


You’re a bigger man than me then, I’d be mightily p1ssed off to see something I’d bought recently at a 40% discount.



Most of us are, the grubs have even heavily discounted the new 200 stuff. While it’s great news for a buyer now it’s a disaster for existing customers. It’s a fcking sht fight that seems to be handled extremely poorly.


If you bought anything from them two weeks ago you wouldn’t feel that way.


They also bought a full warranty. Not a worthless 12 month one.

Life is too short for buyer’s remorse.

I presume there is some back story I’m missing.

I’d love to see this bargains in Ireland, what’s not to like?


Always a catch with a fire sale bargain

These have only a one year warranty and then no or limited after sales service and back up support if something major goes wrong

Naim and Focal have shot themselves in the foot currently down under


I got an amazing deal on a pair of Focal Stellia Headphones but Im glad I did not go for a full Naim 252 pre, 300DR power and NDX2 streamer/XPS DR upgrades last year at almost full rrp, I would be very unhappy now with the current huge discounts but great if you want to buy now, but used prices will take a bit hit going forward.
Looks like I managed to sell my SN2 and HiCap DR just in time following my upgrade.

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When I got the email for this sale, I actually gasped at some of the prices. It’s one thing to heavily discount something like the Classic series which is all-but discontinued but seeing the new Naim gear go for 40% off or so is a kick in the teeth to those who purchased them close to RRP. Statement pricing is also crazy. Still, not sure who would drop $200K+ with only a 1-year warranty and repair/support uncertainty beyond that window.

For me I’m glad I picked up my 6-month old display NAP 300DR for less than what the display one in the current sale is going for, and with full warranty.

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