Insane new pricing in Australia

Have you got the ND555 in your hot little hands yet Mike ?


It must have blown his mind he is not saying much.

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Or Mrs Mike has blown it for him. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Indeed Gazza

Either that or he didn’t tell Mrs Mike and she has just found out :grinning::grinning:


Ha our posts crossed


Yeah but I’m quicker. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

The calloused fingers from brick cleaning will slow you down.

I’ve just got home, I haven’t even started yet. I’m too scared to walk a few doors up and have a look. :scream:

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Yes, and what a stupendous beast it is. Just watched David Gilmour’s Live in Pompei with the sound through the headphones. Gosh, this is the life.


Had some speaker music earlier on. The standouts are how much refined and deep bass is presented and how all the threads of music are so distinguishable. It was odd at first, as it almost sounded slower. But it was that the presentation is so open and refined that it is very relaxed and effortless, and that has an illusion of almost being slower until you actually become used to it.


Well fine for biting the bullet. Was it from an Australian or Auckland branch of A2A?

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I got it from Paul Money in Auckland. They have the 222 on sale at the moment if you are still thinking about that option.

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Probably not quite as good as the Nait 50 though ha :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:


But when he gets the second cd555 power supply……gloves are off.


Probably Gazza :grinning:

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Was Paul Money one of the original naim Retailers in Auckland Mike ?

I think there was another one called North Shore HiFi ?


Paul money became a Naim stockist under the Busisoft regime. ShoreHifi (and all other appointed NA retailers), exited the brand with the demise of NA Distributors. It was a time of much ill feeling :man_shrugging:

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As above, a new Naim dealer after the infamous NA Distributers withdrawal. My earlier gear was bought from Shore Hi Fi.

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I spent a good few hours listening to the new classic stack paired with some PMC fact 12’s and it’s really hard not to pull the trigger on the whole lot.

I figure if something dies and truly cannot be repaired or sent back to HQ then each component can be easily replaced independently now that XLR connections are in use.

Yes it’s a mess… but thinking it’s worth the risk


I wonder how @Bevo landed a Nait 50 with no distributer, maybe things are picking up?

Looking at the ATA clearance, only the Muso Bentley is sold out, so not sure what is going on with that?