Insane new pricing in Australia

If you go onto Harry’s website Audio Genesis

It says on Facebook/instagram

“ we have managed to secure a very small supply of units from the naim audio factory”

That’s all I know. Given currently no distributor they probably felt sorry for me ha

I read somewhere all 1,973 units have gone out of Salisbury , no doubt a number sitting with distributors and retailers globally

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I’d rather he “managed” to get all our stuff from the factory. :grin:

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Addicted to Audio must be holding a lot of stock given everything is still on clearance except for the Bentley Muso?

Indeed Mike it’s absolute nuts

We will all be glad to see the end of them and hopefully get normality in place with realistic pricing from a new distributor

I don’t know but I suspect the new classic 200 series was overpriced by say $2k-$2.5k per unit, they got greedy and got caught


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Depending on how much stock A2A are holding, they may reduce prices further…

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Yeah - Mikes’ paid top dollar for that ND555 :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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Yep, that’s the other side of the dilemma.

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I’ll have it for the rest (most off) of my life I expect, so I’m happy enough. Well, at least after the darn burn-in :+1:


You’ve done well

Mike / don’t listen to those heathens

As you say you’ll have for so many years

Well done


Always puzzles me that something with on moving parts can sound better after a few weeks of use. Damn black magic, good thing we don’t burn folks at the stake anymore. :grin:


Well … they just put the Utopia pricing up again.

What’s in a name …

Can anyone from Naim shed any light in what the future distribution in AU/NZ is going to be, indeed if any…?

Seems to be little info on the details around Busisoft suddenly ceasing distribution after just a few years – all very strange after the big and plush rebranding of ATA Stores as Focal Powered By Naim ….
Have heard a couple of chats with current dealers and murmurs on what may or not be…but nothing concrete it seems……
Leaving a scenario of no current future distribution…and for that matter, local Support.

So somewhat in the dark as a customer.

Must say, personally, I always thought it was a shame that the former distribution ceased with N.A and Chris Murphy – lovely guy and with a knowledgable and personal touch, and the first time I’ve ever seen something like parity with UK pricing….

I’m enjoying the current fire sale though!:grinning:, but then again the original pricing was OTT anyway….

I guess it’s back to UK purchasing and shipping, again – still to be beaten really.



SC, see my earlier posts above. I reckon nothing can be said at the moment until certain things are settled. Until then, keep in touch with your Naim dealer as I’m sure they will be the first to know of any news.

Did you get that in Perth ATA by chance, about 2 weeks ago…?! I was in the store getting a couple of things myself and it was mentioned a 555 had been sold earlier……
I kept drooling at the Solstice in the window….but even the store demo was taken…! Crazy times……


Thanks Richard.

Apologies, I wasn’t aware of this thread. Thanks for the move.


Is this true…? That’s a shame if so…Had visited them a few times over the years….

As Richard said / keep in contact with you’re favourite dealer

They will know first

It’s the Naim way in this part of the world

Keep calm everyone

But that’s the catch isn’t it – the ‘main’ dealer here in WA is Addicted, which effectively is Busisoft….I’ve had ‘a chat’, and it seemed, well….Smoke & Mirrors and fingers pointing… :roll_eyes:
I preferred Surrounds, which was the main dealer before ATA and Busisoft arrived on the scene, and there was a great synergy with N.A at the time, but since then they simply are on the end of the Busisoft supply chain……

Addicted will longer sell Naim

Yes in the interim - until stock gone

After that - kaput