Insane new pricing in Australia

Which are the top ones? I currently use HD800’s, so might be hard to improve significantly on?


It’s all been something of an up and down story re pricing, in my experience here in WA anyway….

Some 9-10 years ago, pre distribution by N.A, I considered the list pricing something of a joke, certainly compared to what I was used to in the UK…I used to live in Thailand, and had slightly been through a similar scenario, although to be honest I understood it a bit more and there was definitely a small market there, plus the typical Thai ‘tax’ on perceived luxury goods and imports….

Can’t remember who the Perth dealer was at the time, perhaps Douglas HiFI (?), but I just laughed at their pricing, whinged like a Pom, and continued purchasing via long term dealers in the UK……Then things got somewhat better on that front when Chris and N.A took over and I remember it even being mentioned by Chris’s partner Debbie that it was something they were keen to work on and getting near parity with UK RRP……
When Busisoft came on, it started much the same where it was….but I definitely noticed the past year or more it’s been ramping up, big time……So I got to the point where I wasn’t even considering local purchases much……
I did make a comment with the local ATA store, to be told that it wasn’t ‘just Naim’ but all brands had hiked prices by up to 40% over the recent times…….Hmmmm :roll_eyes:


Utopia mate.
They’re good, like seriously good.

Having said that, my first Focal headphones were the Elear which I had with the DAC V1 at the time, and considering the price difference, there was a lot I liked and still do like in the Elears……I then also got the original Clear – and they were a step up certainly, they were like ‘Clearer’ for sure, but there was a low end warmth I missed a bit……
I’ve read a few reviews that state the Clear Mg addressed that and was a blend of the two in a way….and actually quite a viable alternative if you didn’t want to go to the Utopia level……hence why I’m kicking myself at missing a cheapie pair…!

I actually haven’t heard 800’s, so I don’t know their signature really….From all I’ve read, I do think the Utopia would be a step up…but just depends how much so and whether you’d value it……But then, at the current cost……:wink:

Damn, you got me thinking again now….!

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I am thinking too…about the Diablo Utopia Evo III. Down from $30k to only, (? what am I thinking), $18k… have already stretched myself a bit for the New Classic 222/300/250.
If I did this I could brag that I achieved the poverty pack Utopias. What a crazy universe we audiophiles inhabit.


Have to say I wasn’t overly impressed with the Focals we heard at HQ earlier this year. Top end was a bit harsh.


Speakers you mean…?

If so, tend to agree… Can’t say I’ve ever been moved whenever I’ve heard any of them at demos….Most disappointed I was was when they brought the Statement rig over to Aus to show off….Can’t really remember what they were, but think they had some Grand Utopias paired with it all, and I was just like ‘meh’ ……Shame really, considering the eye watering costs involved. But then, demos are rarely ‘amazing’ I guess….

Also still struggle to get on with the looks, to be honest……I could squint a bit harder if they really did sound their cost, but….

I’ve read many times the Sopra No.2 are very good, which let’s face it are at the relative lower end in the range……but have never heard….


Yes Focal speakers.

$5,500 on fire sale. Yeah, nah.

The discount rate tells you nothing about the margin, and everything about how keen they are to shift their stocks. You can guess that the 40% might equate to the retailers or distributors margin, but unless you have inside information it’s just speculation.

So true but I don’t think they’ll give it away

AU$ 4,288 here (they were $3,999)

So they’re showing as NZ$ 5,500 for you…?

NZ$5,499 to be precise, reduced from $8,299 :flushed::flushed:

That could be right, but I doubt they are selling at a loss - not yet, anyway. What has really surprised me is that only the Muso Bentley has sold out. We know that some sales have been made, but it sort of suggests that they must be holding a significant volume of stock……

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Jesus, I should be flipping over to NZ…! :rofl:

Actually, seems a lot of that going on apparently….Local ATA store told me someone bought a pair of every headphone model – like, he needed them all…!

If I had very deep pockets (and I don’t!) I’d buy all the remaining Solstice decks…keep one for myself…and sit on a few others…:wink:


Everything in Australia is cheaper than in New Zealand, even our exports :flushed:

They must have been/are….
I know, for example, 2 weeks ago they had 190 Atom HE at the warehouse…I only wanted the one…! :flushed:

What the heck! You can’t be serious?

In more ways than one…! :wink::rofl:

That’s what I was told….
To be honest, thinking about it, it may have been 140 and it was 190 for the Utopia headphones, can’t rightly remember……but it was definitely well over the 100……My ears blinked when he said it!

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I suspect they must be sitting on something of a mountain…hence the pricing to offload….Crazy really.

As you may know, ATA has been experiencing heavy shipping delays on orders….I was told they are working 12hr shifts at the warehouse (didn’t think that was a lot myself, but then I forgot I was in Australia!)….It took them about 8-9 days to despatch the Core I ordered….When I got it, serial number was a ‘48 which dates it to ‘21……So they must have stock going back some time……

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