Insane new pricing in Australia

OK, yes, I see the problem. Well, I’m sure when other members on here get news from dealers such as Harry and Norman at Audio Genesis in Sydney they will share.

A shame that Vince Ross isn’t around any more. I have happy memories of visiting him with Stolly and being shown the store room that was stacked high and deep with old traded-in Naim kit and Linn Sondeks going back to the stone age. My eyes practically popped out of my head!


Everyone should get over the NA previous distributor situation

It’s history

It was good whilst it lasted - life changes and Busisoft was pretty bad but it will be better hopefully

Stop whinging about the past and look to the future

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I somewhat hope Focal don’t go the direct store route…I believe they’ve opened stores in the US, but I’m not sure the market is here in Australia – to be honest, Naim is pretty niche here against typical Aussie tastes…I’ve been in WA for 12+ years and in that time seen the likes of Bose and even Sony come and go with their direct stores, so I’m not sure how Vervent could work it….

But if they don’t do that, then what….As others have said, there seems few options re distributors and I guess things wont be taken back to N.A……Are they really going to leave Australasia with zero official presence…??

Ah well, always the added excuse to burn the air-miles and jump back to Blighty to say Hi to the family…!

I agree SC - those direct stores don’t work in Australia and not even sure they work anywhere

Anyway bring on a new Naim distributor shortly and let’s hope it’s all good down under

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Speaking personally, I wasn’t whinging about the past….Im whinging about the now…!


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My whinging comment not directed at you personally SC so apologies for that

Just generally speaking - I really hope it works out well for all of us here with new distributor

Oh, interesting, I hadn’t realised the FPBN stores were ATA and wondered if they would still be going concerns, but clearly not in this case.

No worries!… :wink:

Late to the party SC - must be a Perth thing :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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It is…! :rofl:

The direct Sonos and Bose brick and mortar stores did not last long. We do not have the population density when the average Joe purchases online ; or from the likes of JB Hifi. Exception are the two channel and specialist setups are very much a niche and “if you can afford it” purchase.

Don’t get me wrong. My main headphone setup is Naim HE / Focal Utopia so I have skin in the game and am sad to see it leave.

Strong rumours of an Australian distributor announcement early next week…


Woolworths. :scream:

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As much as being in sunny Perth is very tempting, I’m in the Northland region of New Zealand. I bought the ND555 from a Naim dealer in Auckland at the fire sale price. They indicated that a new distributer was about to made offical.

Lol….Could be worse…!

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Sunny…??! It’s been grey and damp here for about what seems like ever…! I’m tempted in your direction…!

Ah well, must be another lucky ND555 owner down these parts…


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Well the sun has been shining a little here in Sunny Perth, and interesting things are now happening with Focal pricing. It seems that Busisoft is now disengaging from Focal as well. Hopefully this will clear the way for a resolution to the distribution of Naim in Australia


Yep, just had a look at the ATA Australian web site, all Focal products reduced by 40% - which is quite significant on the higher range speakers.

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Just shows how much margin they were expecting, add your dealers and it’s not hard to see why Naim is struggling here.


The Focal prices have been reduced for the last few weeks, along with the Naim….As far as I’m aware, the fire sale sale started for both brands at the same time…which makes sense, as essentially they are one and the same (for good or bad….) and if Busisoft are losing the distribution of one then it’s going to be both……

As you say, some great deals on the higher end speakers etc…much like the higher end Naim…!

Some things have flown off the shelves and are no longer in stock …Headphones have been popular. I was going to grab a pair of Clear Mg for a 2nd system, as they were like $1k, but dithered too long and they were gone. Stelia too. They do keep adjusting some pricing also – I had my eye on the Utopia cans as I’ve long wanted them and was going to add to an order I made, but then they suddenly adjusted the price back up…not hugely, but a few hundred dollars up from where they were a week ago……


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