Insane new pricing in Australia

Agree not a bad thing however let’s hope in-house they get some training on servicing etc and not just another round of box movers

I wished they’d just gone direct to a few dealers, saved us some money and everyone a headache

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Agree - I think they do that way in a number of countries but maybe I’m wrong there

Almost a shame that Harry could not hire small storage and ship to a few select dealers.

I was just looking through the former distributors clearance sale it’s a train wreck.

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What’s that mean Pete?

Price wise ?

Yes it’s just ruined it for us and any opportunity to upgrade. You can now get a ND555/PS555 cheaper than I paid for a NDX2/XPS.


Yep bloody stupid

What I still can’t get my head around is if a new distributor is announced , how will they compete with the AdA fire sale gear situation

The only way for an upgrade is for AdA to exit completely and the trade in values come back to some sort of sensible level

Perhaps they are time limited with a cut off date for sales……but the sensible outcome would have been for the new guys to have taken the stock. But they would want the new 200/300 series i guess.
Did they attempt to sell off a Statement system?

Everything is reduced Gazza, both Naim and Focal. Obviously I can’t post links but if you google it you’ll see. Might be worth flying out here to pick up a bargain and a holiday all in one.

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I would have never purchased my NDX2 for the inflated peak price of $12k - price gauging at its best !!

Real price was $10.5k ( even then I think maybe distributor had pushed that up a bit)

Got mine for $8.4k so a 20% discount on the $10.5k

Even after that Busisoft further dropped it this round to $7.2k


Trade in market is stuffed

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Yes, that is true. But, as you have the NDX2/XPS you could grab a real cheap new NAP 300 DR, which would be a significant upgrade, and likely at half the cost of the new NAP 250. So, there is an opportunity to upgrade and use the situation to your advantage.

True theirs is an opportunity to buy superseded gear but what happens if like most here we were hoping to upgrade to the new stuff.

It’s hard to get your head around those kind of markups that were coming through. It will be very interesting to see what the pricing looks like with the new distributor in place.

Not interested in that upgrade Pete

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If you were asking me, no. I don’t like buying new superseded stuff.

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What I was thinking about was the 332/NC250 combo if the 332 alone is better or on a par with the 252/SCDR

Chance to drop a box

Even that is pretty much stuffed with trade in values

If you are at NDX2/PS/252/300 level, I don’t think the new stuff is offering anything significant - a marginal improvement on the 252 at best.

Well yes Mike be interesting to see NC pricing coming through

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Mike you haven’t heard the new 300 stuff so I’m not sure how you can make that statement.

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