Insane new pricing in Australia

I’m thinking the new distributor will for a while just concentrate on the “lower” (apologies everyone) end gear such as atom, muso’s , star etc etc .maybe into 2024

Busisoft (ATA) need to clear away all their higher end stock at the discounted prices and get to hell out of here

2024 should be a year of getting back to some normality, hopefully the new distributor is sensible

Wait and see I reckon


How do you see the difference between katalyst and organik? I’m going to switch to the selekt and I’m not sure yet with the dac. I just got the selekt with organic at home and also play the Nova in. The differences are small. Accordingly, will the katalyst be only marginally worse to the Organik?

When you say you "play the Nova in’ do you mean that the Nova is attached to the Selekt as a power amp or that you use it separately?

FWIW I found the dual Organik DAC in the Linn Selekt using the naim 250Dr excellent. The main descriptor I would apply is “effortless”. The music just flowed with no digital sheen what so ever.
I found the Katalyst very good but not so effortless and closer to my Naim 272/555dr in presentation. Both DACs are excellent but the Organik was world class. I guess it depends whether your ancillaries are able to make the most of it.

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Checking your profile I see you will probably attach the Selekt to your 250Dr. I should say that the Organik I tried was the dual mono which was definitely better than the Katalyst. If you have tried the single Organik then maybe the difference is not so great.

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I have the simple organic and not the dual. Selekt is with power amplifier. My dealer said he would prefer this version to the 250 dr because Linn and Naim do not harmonize well. I connected Nova via the pre out and thus played the streamer as a source in the selekt to compare the dac’s

I see. I must say that the 250Dr was excellent with the Selekt as a streaming pre-amp. The local dealer had to get a special Chord cable to connect the two and they worked very well together. After all the 250Dr is known as an excellent amplifier, and may be better than the Linn class D amplifier modules in the Selekt. Best of luck with whatever you choose.

Westan national launch next Tuesday apparently I’ve been told….

Lets see….Not looking all that encouraging when I looked at the Westan website a little while back……:thinking:



This week I spoke with an NZ retailer who said next month the new dist will be making a big push. He then proceeded to say he can’t (won’t) say anymore

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Just wondering, has anyone heard any 300 series pricing from the new AU/NZ distributor?

No not yet cdboy

My Naim dealer here in Sydney is expecting stock shortly so then the fun will start

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He has a 333 streamer in stock now, he tried to sell it to me this morning. :grin:


Are we allowed to say anything about anything in Australia these days…? :roll_eyes:


Price on the 333?

He didn’t say and I never asked, I’ll find out next time I talk to him :grin:

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No pricing on the 332 or 333 in NZ yet.


And ???

I’ll bet you pull the trigger before end of build

You won’t be able help yourself :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

333 got to in the range $18k- $20k

I’m thinking 333/300PS/332/250 plus cables circa $55k/$60k surely

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That’s at least the bathrooms, there’s no way. Plus I’m not overly confident in Naim in Aus anymore.