Insane new pricing in Australia

I’m kind of with you on your last comment - I’ll be very selective if I do anything at all


Me too, and the used market for Naim has crashed here in NZ, so big hits on swapping out kit now.


But you guys are wealthy enough to support some poor dealers down under :slight_smile:

I have been just ask my wife. :grin:

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It’s the construction industry’s turn for a Pete bail out.

No bugger that I’m out of there. :grin:

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On a serious note how are dealers expected to sell anything when the distributor is selling everything reduced by around 30-40%.

Not sure how they can survive.


Ex Distributor

I’m sure ADA will disappear shortly and maybe the new distributor will take the new classic gear from them.

Most of the old classic gear is now redundant so ADA left with all of that

One must remember that ADA are giving only a one year warranty

Have they got your family hostage.

Rather strange post from you so early in the morning. :rofl::rofl:

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I’m an early morning person Pete - start work at 6am , dead by 3pm , body clock stuffed after almost 40 years of corporate life

One more year 3 days a week and I’m done


I’m up only to watch some football (EPL).

Any change to my Naim gear would be along the lines :

  1. Does the NC 332 preamp SQ match or better the 252/SCDR 2 box ? If not what’s the point ??

  2. If and when a Supernait 3 replacement emerges , how much better will that be over the current SN3 and don’t need a PS ?? Again if not what’s the point ??

The SN3 is a bit of a sweet spot for me in the Naim product range


Harry tells me he is still waiting for official 300 series pricing.


18 May the 300 series was announced. Many UK folk on here now own and enjoy different new toys. Meanwhile we in the colonies wait for a when and how much announcement. Not really good enough. Hopefully an imminent announcement will be forthcoming.


It is disappointing indeed that we’re in the dark down-under. I really feel for the dealers such as Harry in Sydney.
If Naim weren’t an option any more, what on earth would be the nearest “equivalent” with the traditional PRaT we love?
I’m fortunate to travel between Sydney and the UK at least once a year, so even if I have to physically take kit to the UK for service, it wouldn’t be the end of the world, but I do hope that doesn’t become the case…


Sounds a very similar boat to me mate…

But that’s a great question that I’ve really wondered of late – What if…?
I really don’t know to be honest and my ‘HiFi knowledge’ isn’t all that extensive…I’ve just liked Naim as far back as I can recall and have always just been focussed there……
I used to live in Thailand, and although there was some limited availability there, it was a little basic at the time….but I understood it and was able to work with and around it….and then Australia, when I first moved here, wasn’t much of an improvement (in WA anyway)….but things improved bit by bit…Personally, when the distribution was Chris and N.A. Distribution, I thought things were really becoming a viable alternative to bringing items back from the UK on my next trip etc………But of late and the current state of affairs, I really must say I’m looking at the horizon line, as much as I don’t want to……

I don’t really care about the legal boll**** ….Somebody should be standing up and reaching out to past, present and future customers.



I’m calling on the wisdom of the forum…

I’m considering upgrading my Nova as I’d like to refine the sound I’m getting whilst maintaining the Naim goodness.

I’m seriously tempted to buy the new classic 200 series with power supply from A2A and take advantage of the $16k saving.

Do you think the risk is too great?

I was looking at other integrated amps/separates from other manufacturers and not sure I can get the same quality and sound for the money.

Really appreciate any guidance you can share :pray:

You don’t need the wisdom of the forum - you need the wisdom of your ears. Go and have a listen. There shouldn’t be risk in buying hifi


I assume it’s with the reduced 1 year warranty. That might not be much of a concern, but I think you’d want an assurance that the new distributer (Westan) can provide servicing and repairs in Australia, as this has been an uncertainty with all Naim products at the moment. @S.C and @Pete_the_painter have been having repair issues, so they might be able to add an update on that.


Who cares what the discount is I wouldn’t give ATA one cent if my money

The damage they have done to the Naim brand in Aus and NZ is beyond comprehensin